Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Unfriendly Atheist

Aside from inviting an "I know you are but what am I?" response to each point,  that certainly doesn't seem very friendly for someone who bills himself as "The Friendly Atheist." You have to wonder what kind of mentality gives this character credence.

Coincidentally, I ran across a pretty compelling analysis of the Texas shooter's purported Facebook page.  I say "purported," because the information controllers sealed off that avenue of investigation to small independents, so everyone will be dependent on the narrative they choose to share. Still, the pages jibe with what others are reporting, and this screenshot reveals an interesting connection:

Yep, right up there with anti-gun CNN, our friendly pal Hemant was a specially-credited influence on attitude and convictions:

He does seem to have a special contempt for Christianity

Kurt Schlichter may just have a tongue-in-cheek point:

If I may interject a personal observation here -- of course I may, this is my place -- agnosticism and doubts I can understand. Flat-out atheism has always seemed  presumptuous, and even fraudulent in the certainty with which it is presented.


  1. Hemant Mehta makes the case for pushing us into re-education camps of no return like his commie compadres did with millions of people in the past. If he's "friendly", then why all the animosity? Oh, I forgot, commies are well-practiced liars who routinely spew the opposite of the truth. He's about as friendly as a 9mm to the back of the head.

  2. Whereas Democrats appear to be the party of maiming and murdering Republicans (or at least attempting to, the incompetent bastards), so apparently it all evens out in the wash.

  3. Hmmmmm......Seems as if Mr. Mehta is a victim of forced birth. Maybe a retroactive abortion would relieve him of his burden.

    Not advocating anything but consistency with his (im)moral beliefs.


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