Tuesday, December 19, 2017

All I Want for Christmas

BuzzFeed Editor: ‘All I Want For Christmas Is Full Communism Now’ [More]
But if you get what you want you can't have Christmas... so then you won't get what you want...

Looks like Norman's melting down again:

[Via several of you]


  1. Again, no Hymie?


    I miss Dick Gautier. Many of the performers I enjoyed as a kid have passed away this year ...

    * https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/dick-gautier-dead-get-smart-actor-was-85-964369

  2. That's because it's not about robots per se, it's about the illogic being so blatant it would cause a computer to seize up trying to resolve it. Find me a relevant clip with Hymie and I'll use it. "Give me a hand" doesn't cut it.

    But as long as you asked, remember "Hold your tongues"?

  3. I've always been a fan of Mel Brooks, but I never did get into that or much else on TV when I went to college back then.

    Always liked Sherwood Schwartz, though. Back in the 60's (same period as Wild Wild West) was an insane sitcom called It's about Time. This earworm sticks in my mind, thusly:

    "It's about time/It's about space/It's about some people in the strangest


    Your "it's about the illogic being so blatant it would cause a computer to seize up trying to resolve it." is an excellent point though.

  4. I grew up being a fan of "Ooh Ooh" Joe E. Ross.

    Did you ever watch/like "Car 54 Where are you" --- wow, those were the good old days.

    My favorite episode from the entire series is 'How High is up' with Shari Lewis.

    Clip here, see at the 5m mark:

    * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZx3unQLHGs

    How can anyone not like this?


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