Friday, December 01, 2017

Gluttons for Punishment

Mainstream politicians aren’t asking to repeal the Second Amendment, they’re asking for common sense gun laws—like banning the kind of assault-style semiautomatic weapons and attachments that allowed the Las Vegas shooter to fire more than 1,100 rounds in less than 11 minutes. Or they’re asking to close loopholes in background checks in order to prevent domestic abusers from purchasing weapons. [More]
And then they're admitting it's a slippery slope with no bottom in sight.

I watched that episode, and it had pros and cons. The loudmouthed slob in the NRA hat turned out to be a stolen valor coward, so there was that bit of intentional stereotyping. By the same token, having an otherwise "progressive" woman defend concealed carry was an unusual touch, albeit that she had a permit in NYC reinforced that the show is fantasy fiction. I also liked how the anti-gun male politician relied on armed men for protection and ended up begging for his life, crawling and then running away, helpless and useless to himself and all others instead of being able to defend himself.

As an aside, modern television and movie violence certainly is unnecessarily graphic, to the point of pornographic. And the trend is to more gory spectacles to enthrall a bloodthirsty audience that will seemingly never have enough. Kind'a like the decadence of Rome...

Undisciplined parents who don't monitor what their children are exposed to are allowing them to blaze a trail into uncharted territory.

1 comment:

  1. Also the young veteran bomber was a pro gun activist.


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