Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Gun-Grabbing ‘Sanctuary Lawmaker’ Admits ‘Half of My Family’ Breaking Law

As is typical, the law is what De Léon and his fellow California “progressives” say it is. Laws they oppose are to be disregarded. In other words, he stands for lawlessness and tyranny. [More]
Disregarding the law is also what allows foreign enemies to be transformed into domestic ones.

[Via Jeet]

Out of the Blue

How nice. [More]

Thank you.

Generally I've come to  expect opposite impressions.

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

Wintemute’s research isn’t political: Data never really is.  [More]
Damned liars.

[Via Mack H]

'No Compromise'?

Trump Selects a Justice in the Mold of Antonin Scalia [More]
How do they know?

And what limits does he support?

This ain't exactly a ringing testimonial:
In U.S. v. Games-Perez, Gorsuch stated, in dicta, that an individual should not be able to be convicted of a “gun possession” offense unless the person knew his actions were unlawful.  
What, like me? Like the "I will not comply" movement?

He also said "the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to own firearms and may not be infringed lightly...”


I guess GOA does not agree that we should look before we buy and are stuck with a judge forever? Instead they present a compelling reason to leap before we look?
"We understand that the defeat of President Trump's nominee could mean that Scalia's seat would held open by the minority until it could be filled by someone who is rabidly anti-gun -- and who would tip the balance of the court in favor of the repeal of the Second Amendment as an individual right."
I call hyperbole on that. Only if Republicans let them.

As long as I'm grousing:

When are we going to see specifically called-out action on this pledge and what we'd agreed was an existential threat to RKBA (46 minute mark)? Because I see nothing on GOA's site indicating it's a factor. Matter of fact, I see them stumping for a guy who got a 68% score on immigration.

And I'm sure Ms. Pepper is a very nice person.  Why do all the measurable achievements -- as presented in the plug -- appear to be for "sporting purposes"?

Mr. Macy: Care to give us something more substantial and show us how she would answer the same questions Mr. Stamboulieh did?

I can't count the number of times I've gone to bat for GOA over the years because of a truly different way of doing things in Springfield vs. Fairfax. Sadly, I'm no longer seeing it.

Perhaps it's me. Perhaps I'm the one who's too extreme.

What am I asking for that "The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington" would want to shy away from?

We're the Only Ones Explosive Enough

Police blow up 'suspicious' car outside station - then realise it had been parked there by fellow officers [More]
WarOnGuns has obtained an exclusive photo of officers setting the charge:

[Via Steve T

Back to What He Understands

A San Antonio man who was freed from life in prison by President Barack Obama is back behind bars after allegedly crashing his vehicle into another motorist and undercover police cars while fleeing from a drug deal Thursday. [More]
Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your na-a-ame...

Funny though, how a "law" designed to protect society ends up endangering it.

Guy just couldn't cope with the maddening prison rules on the "outside," though, could he? At least he didn't pull a Brooksy.

[Via William T who brings up an excellent point: "Vetted ... We can't even properly screen our OWN citizens..."]

News Update from Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

I can't repro an entire long email here, but suffice it to say they have not issued an update for a while due to other pressing matters, such as real life responsibilities. They are doctors, you know.

You can find out what's happened since last time by visiting their website. I actually recommend you bookmark it and make it a place to regularly check.


And it's not a hundred times that much because...? [More]

For the Children

Not for the faint of heart. Meaning if you can't watch this in its entirety and come to grips with it, you need to consider what that could mean to your ability to protect those you love. [Watch]

And then there's the cow-witted MILM (but I repeat myself) approach: Keep our own boys ignorant -- and better yet, "feminize" them and cram "tolerance" into them. The better to have them grow up unprepared to meet their counterparts intent on doing this to them.

Oh, and by all means, have the "Authorized Journalists" crank out more sob stories about how mean ol' Donald Trump is victimizing refugees, especially the children.

This ought to be a classroom accompaniment to middle school Basic Militia Training.

[Via John Snyder]

It's Not Just the Second

Those unleashing their useful idiot animals hate all rights, especially the right of free speech, which is a manifestation of the right of free thought.  [More]

They demand to control it all. And they're willing eager to destroy to get it.

Doomed from the Outset

During last year’s legislative session, bills identical to S.B. 7 were introduced in the Senate and House, and were killed in the House State, Veterans and Military Affairs committee. With a Democratic majority in the House, this is the likely fate for S.B.7 and House Bill 1097, which is its House twin. [More]
Which means, for now at least, the options are obey or defy. Not that you'll get any of the major "gun rights advocacy" groups to recommend "I will not comply."

Hey, it's not like you can be trusted with Pez dispensers.

[Via cydl]

Misrepresentation and Misrepresentation

No, the GOP Did Not Just Repeal the Background Check System or Give Guns to the Mentally Ill [More]
For that first part, why not? Has anyone of those orange card beneficiaries even suggested it? Or are "A" grades just for show?

[Via Mack H]

Breaking Bad

Attorney In IRS Office Of Professional Responsibility (Columbia J.D., NYU Tax LL.M., Georgetown Adjunct Tax Prof) Busted For Dealing Crystal Meth [More]
An Opposite Day "progressive" ethics attorney? But think of all the good he did, clerking for a Clinton nominee and doing pro-bono work representing immigrants...

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Excessive Enough

Judge: Former Yellowstone County deputies used excessive force in deadly stop [More]
Too little to late: "The former deputies were cleared of criminal wrongdoing at a coroner’s inquest..."

You or I would have faced and been convicted on second degree murder (or manslaughter at a minimum) charges, and rightfully so.

[Via Rough and Ready]

This Oughtta Get Some Heads Exploding

Senior ATF official proposes loosening gun regulations [More]
I may have more in a day or so  -- I need to check some stuff first.  A lot of people besides WaPo's award-winning plagiarist have been covering this (Dean Weingarten does his traditional excellent job and even credibly suggests motive) and, being a mere Unauthorized Journalist, I want to be able to add a unique perspective (if I can find one) rather than just reword the work of others.

In the mean time, here's the paper in question.

Ready to Rumble?

Uh, it's gonna take more than a few "boxing lessons," fellas. [More]

There sure is a lot of projection and denial going on.