Monday, February 20, 2017

‘Progressives’ Fantasizing about Civil War like Children Playing with Fire

Bracken’s brief endorsement means a lot in terms of credibility. Simply put, he’s more qualified to offer such an assessment than many, certainly more so than the eggheads calling for toast. [More]
As long as they're not inconvenienced, others do their dirty work for them and then hand over the reins of power, what's not to like? What, you mean there may be other things to consider?

Francis the Talking Mule

‘Muslim Terrorism Does Not Exist’ [More]
So then quit braying about the rest of us and tear down the damn wall, you fraudulent jackass, masquerading as a leader of the faithful while doing the work of principalities and powers...

[Via Geordan]

Because Looking Too Closely Might Reveal Culpability

The violent crime rate rose for a third consecutive year in Los Angeles, but that’s not something Mayor Eric Garcetti is eager to highlight ahead of the March election, one mayoral challenger said this week. [More]
No, he'd rather divert attention from his utter incompetence at dealing with the fruits of his policies by infringing on rights.

He's every bit as subversive and useless as his old man.

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Unidentified Enough

Pasadena police officer put on leave after ATF searches home [More]
It's been four days now and there have been several outlets reporting -- I guess there's a compelling reason the public, any one of whom would have had their names and photos plastered all over the news by now -- has no need to know who this guy is.

They all seem more than eager to shift emphasis to the chief's reminder about all those "good men and women," though.

[Via Tom Skoch]

We're the Only Ones Educational Enough

Former Trooper Who Took $70k In Drug Bust Money Remains President Of School Board [More]
Hey, who but one of the "few bad apples" is more qualified to promote Common (rotten to the) Core?

[Via Florida Guy]   

That IS Remarkable

That’s when I noticed something remarkable: Both had strapped onto their waists angry-looking handguns. [More]
That's quite the childlike anthropomorphic delusion Barry's got going on there.

I hope the shock didn't cause his Rapex to pop out.

UPDATE: Maybe they were carrying these?

We're the Only Ones Unconnected Enough

“sheriff doesn’t see a connection between the killing and [the murderer’s] immigration status” [More]
Of course not.

Everybody knows it has nothing to do with that "single issue."  Just ask Fairfax apologists.

Obviously, the real solution lies in big "but" prior restraints.

[Via Michael G]

Black Targets Matter

Young black men are 3X more likely to be shot by trained shooters than their white peers. A disturbing potential correlation: The most popular target for shooters to learn to use their firearm is a black silhouette. Unconscious bias can be deadly. [More]
Alrighty then. And yeah, they consider themselves to be serious.

Forget why that potential discrepancy might be. Here's a solution all "progressives" should be able to agree on:

Scary Mommy

Kind of, but only because you're so detached from reality you believe "according to The Trace" adds credibility and gravitas. [More]

Gloating doesn't make you right. And Idiot MILMy is more like it.

I continue to recommend presenting and then publicizing reactions to this.

[Via Rough and Ready]

Bloomberg Blocker

HCR 2029 is a proposed constitutional amendment that would require ballot measure petitions to have a specific percentage of signatures from each legislative district in the state.  Current petition requirements are based simply on the state population regardless of location, making it possible for districts with large urban populations to override the will of voters in less populated districts.  [More]
Kind of like the whole reason we have the Electoral College...

One Question

Trump Labor Nominee Supports Amnesty, Cheap Foreign Labor [More]
So is that due to bad advice by embedded subversives or something even more insidious?

I wonder if he realizes what his likely fate will be if those defending him conclude they've been bare-ass naked in the town square conned?

I think I'll "tweet" this to him and ask.

High Risk, 'Progressive'-Style

Anything that results in a violent temper tantrum by those who can't be trusted without a custodian. [More]

[Via Michael G, who notes "Cornell professor persistently questions Cornell administration on why a fee had to be paid by the victim of threats in order to exercise free speech and is eventually told the equivalent of 'It was their fault for wearing a short skirt.'"]


Individuals who want a state-issued permit to carry a concealed gun in Florida would first have to pass a mental health evaluation under a new proposal from a Miami-Dade County senator. [More]
And, of course, for those who want one, there's a reason why they call them "gun nuts."

Daphne Campbell, eh? Speaking of "bat shit crazy"...

I'd be curious to see how many constituents commiting the "gun violence" in her district have permits. And if they're any more law-abiding than the office-seekers.

The inmates are running the asylum. Literally.

We're the Only Ones with a Big 'But' Enough

I fully support and defend our right to keep and bear arms as written by our Founding Fathers of the Constitution reinforced in the Second Amendment. [More]
Except for that "shall not be infringed" part. I find that "especially troublesome and dangerous for protests that espouse hatred."

Herbert! Herbert! Herbert! Herbert!

Remember this bizarro insult to everyone who believes in the RIGHT to keep and bear arms?

It seems even that is too extreme for GOP Gov. Gary Herbert.

Sell us some more of that snake oil, Chris:
“We are proud to endorse Governor Gary Herbert and Attorney General Sean Reyes for re-election in Utah. The NRA is confident that these two pro-Second Amendment advocates will continue their pro-freedom leadership in Salt Lake City,” said Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA-PVF. “As out-of-touch elites continue attempts to exert their extreme anti-gun agenda on the state level, it is crucial that Utahans elect strong, pro-Second Amendment candidates who will stand up for law-abiding citizens and their freedoms.”
A real Vulcan chessmaster, that one.

It's hard to tell if this should be directed at him or Gary:

There's a Solution to That

Some border patrol stations have been slow to carry out President Donald Trump’s immigration enforcement executive order and instead have continued former President Barack Obama’s “catch-and-release” policies, according to a union official. [More]
So start implementing "fire-and-replace."

Securing the Blessings of Liberty

For themselves and their Posterity... [More]

What about for you and yours?   What are you, some kind of hater?

We're the Only Ones Toned Down Enough

St. Louis County cop says he was told to 'tone down his gayness' [More]
I thought they all yelled "Assume the position!"

Don't Be So Modest, Senator

Of course you are. [More]

That is, until it suits their purposes to treat you like an object of ridicule.