Monday, February 27, 2017

XPrize Contest Highlights Ludicrous Steps Anti-gunners will take to Deny Reality

In other words, they’re not armed with arms. And the alert won’t even go out until after an attack has had considerable time to progress. Yet the contest sponsors present that “solution” as “transformative,” and actually have either the gall — or the ignorance — to assert that set of conditions “ensures women’s safety.” [More]
So the million dollar “solution” is some gizmo that will do nothing to prevent it and will call for help after an attack begins, when it may be too late to prevent irreparable trauma, injury or death?

Eunuch Gonna Believe This Story

With a bullet-riddled crotch he had coming when he decided to live the thug life, the attacking teen ran back to the truck he jumped out of and tried to make a getaway... [More]
Lest you think that account appears too celebratory, let's check instead with the "Authorized Journalist" version, where they use such terminology as "emptied the clip" and "that gun that he used isn't registered."

[Via Florida Guy

Filthy Set Up

So Obama’s agitators jumped at the opportunity to push this rhetoric even further on Friday, as they entered the CPAC convention hall and began handing out Russian flags with the name “Trump” printed over them. [More]
That way, filth media could jump all over it on cue and filth "progressives" could exploit it with Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule.

They rely on deception and dishonesty. And they're proud of themselves.

That's because they're lying filth.

[Via Florida Guy

We're the Only Ones Defaced Enough

LAPD Officer's Home Vandalized by Rioters [More]
What did he think was going to happen?

[Via William T]

Never Go Full Wayne

To protect our children at school, we recommend a trained professional with a gun ... [More]
Yeah. Only Ones and "gun free zones" for the rest of us! That's the ticket!

Excuse me? Don’t have time to prosecute prohibited people trying to illegally get a gun?
Like all those "I will not comply" activists?

Enforce existing Intolerable Acts?

Scary, how few are out there telling the "glazy-eyed celeb worshipers" the emperor has no clothes.

[Via Mack H]

Speaking of Death Camps...

Stefan Molyneux The Fascist Left Wants Death Camps We Are Done Backing Down [Watch]
I confess I have not found 48+ minutes to watch this, but WarOnGuns Correspondent Jeet has been pretty darned reliable with the stories he's called in over the years.

We're the Only Ones Punishing Enough

Kentucky Police Remove Punisher Logo From Cop Cars After People Rightfully Point Out He's a Murderer [More]
Gosh, what kind of cop basher could possibly find a TotenkopfverbÀnde unit objectionable? Because nothing says "serve and protect" like a death's head threat to also be judge, jury and executioner.

[Via Florida Guy

We're the Only Ones Sparking Enough

The City of Englewood has refused to release body camera footage on the Feb. 5 shooting death of 41-year-old Shelly Porter III by police officer Timothy Corcoran, saying the release would spark a “media firestorm.” [More]
Why? Will it show something different than the story released to the press?

And since when is it the function of the police to withhold information based on what the media may do with it? Perhaps what they really mean is an actual firestorm?

Maybe their guy should have shot to wound or something...

[Via Florida Guy

Fantastically Offensive

Yes, Ian Lucraft, you are. [More]

A clue bat would be useless here. Although barbed wire would be a nice touch.

Abe Lincoln on the Unreliability of Internet Quotes

A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them which would included their own Government -> George Washington [Posted under one of my recent pieces]
I really wish people wouldn't do this. Especially since this took me all of five seconds to find, including typing.

Organizing for Action

While do-nothings on "our side" scoff at involvement and ridicule urgings to take minimal actions with blog comment bluster and bravado, the "other side" is organizing.  [More]

And they're closer than you may think.

Good thing all WE have to do is anonymously type "Molon Labe!"

No It Does Not Either

The Constitution gives us the right to own and bear light infantry weapons. [More]
This guy needs to rethink some things here. Or at least restate them. Because in the very next paragraph he appears to be on track again.

We're the Only Ones Insanely Encumbered Enough

A former DHS official said existing hiring practices are “insanely cumbersome,” particularly the part requiring all incoming candidates to pass a strict polygraph test. [More]
Let me guess: "A former DHS official" under Obama...?

I mean, who among us wouldn't benefit from more of this...?

EO on 'Militia Purposes'?

Interesting proposal. [More]

Whether requisite connections exist to actualize it remains to be seen. And then, of course, expect a challenge to be brought before an "activist judge" (i.e., an oath-breaking traitor).

[Via Michael G]

Opposite Day 'Progressive' Ethics

Peter Singer is at it again. [More]

We've seen such philosophy adopted as government policy before.

And they call us the Nazis...

[Via Michael G]

Survey SAYS...

Now is your chance to give your input. Let us know what issues you want President Trump to focus on and your ideas for the future of our country. [More]
And as discussed in my NRA Director endorsement, I'm 'bullet voting" for maximum effect.

The only bullet I picked was "Immigration Reform." For the  "idea" and "additional comment" sections I left:
Respect and enforce the uninfringed right ot the people to keep and bear arms.
Stop listening to RINOs on your nominations like pro-amnesty Acosta.
Yeah, I know, waste of time, we'll be on a list, we're all going to end up in a civil war anyway and...

There will always be plenty of excuses for not lifting a finger.  I just wonder how many who won't make a minimal effort now, while things are easy, will fare when and if their dire predictions come to pass.

The Guccis of the Fisherman

And the Lamborghini keys of the kingdom... [More]

The curious thing is, enforcing this ultimately will depend on secular men with guns to force compliance -- or else.  Hey, I'm not the one who badmouths having the means to protect yourself and what's yours (including your borders)...

On a more positive note, let me be among the first to wish everyone a Happy Gun Saint Day.