Friday, March 31, 2017

EU Threat to Break up U.S. Merits Appropriate Reminder

That such arrogance reflects imperious rejection of the right to self-determination for Europeans, and that Constitutionalists in the U.S. may not welcome foreign globalist subversion, are hardly considerations that sway the type of mentality that believes his place is to dictate and yours is to obey. Either that or the old Eurorummy is drunk again. [More]
Which part of Europe is he from again...?

Unauthorized Journalist

Can't have that in a society where the Constitution is "the supreme Law of the Land" ... [More]

Being told to put a sock in it under force of law is not as fun as it appears.

[Via Bluesgal]


Who could have anticipated that sheeple don't buy guns? [More]

[Via Jeet]

Speaking of Antifa

That's a fun idea to "appropriate" the name like that. [More]

The John Brown Toy Gun Club

Members Of An Antifa “Gun Club” Are Fishing For Death With This Fake Gun Stunt [More]
Yes, and thumbs up for WOG comment poster Earl Flanigan, who I first heard this from.

[Via Keith B]

We're the Only Ones Just Doing Our Job Enough

“I just want to say I’m terribly sorry that your dog was put down. That wasn’t my intention when I walked up to you folks to ask you to move your things. I was just doing my job, and I’m terribly sorry that you lost that dog. My condolences to you, Miss Ramos, and your child, and to the boyfriend. I’m terribly sorry what happened.” [More]
"...was put down ... what happened..."

Anybody see any acceptance of personal responsibility in there? Maybe that's why we know Ramos' name but the "Authorized Journalists" are protecting his.

Aloha ʻOe...

Just Like It's a Person or Something...

Doctors Perform Heart Surgery On Baby Still Inside Womb To Remove Tumor [More]
I thought such "tissue" was a tumor...

It's not a toomah!

What's the Deal?

Deal vetoed a similar bill last year but senators involved in the last-minute negotiations say they are "confident" that the bill will get signed into law this time. Deal's office didn't immediately comment. [More]
You can afford to treat people who supported you like that when you no longer need them.
"I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."

Sporting Purposes

The new law gained national attention after Greg Sankey, commissioner of the Southeastern Conference -- the top-tier collegiate sports league in which the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Razorbacks compete -- released a statement earlier this week. In it, he opposed the law and said it could affect scheduling and other aspects of the athletic program if guns were allowed into sporting events. Then Razorbacks head football Coach Bret Bielema and players weighed in with their own concerns ... [More]
Since when do these handlers and their gaggle of young meatheads have any say in your and my unalienable rights?

I guess when "we" value their diversionary bread and circuses more than "we" do those rights. And don'tcha just love the A+ rater assuring those mandated disarmed that "sniper teams" will protect them? Talk about a meathead.

It won't affect me one bit because even without a ban, I have better things to do and places to be.

Call in the Kryptonite Disposal Squad

Red mercury is reportedly a substance used to create nuclear bombs, but its existence has not been documented. [More]
I understand the suspect escaped on a unicorn.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Good Question

Why Does Trump Let Judges Push Him Around? [More]
And why is he attacking his natural supporters and siding with those who want him out?

If he keeps this up, it'll be the people he let down screaming the loudest for his head.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Interactive Enough

Senate passes bill requiring schools to teach teens about interacting with police [More]
They'll learn such commands as "GET ON THE GROUND! NOW!!!" and many more...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Plundering Enough

DEA Seized $4 Billion From People Since 2007. Most Were Never Charged with a Crime -- A new government watchdog report finds the DEA grabs cash just for the sake of grabbing cash, raising civil liberties concerns. [More]
How is this not armed robbery, meriting an appropriate defensive response?

[Via Michael G]

Sign of the Times

It makes as much sense as the other kind. Except Opposite Day "progressives" would howl in self-righteous rage and call you a "hater" if you posted one of these.

[Via Bluesgal]

Groping Cyberlina

We tested bots like Siri and Alexa to see who would stand up to sexual harassment [More]
I like the "female" voice I get from Google Maps on my Android because it comes across much clearer for me in ambient car and traffic noise than a lower-pitched "male" voice would. It would have never occured to me that such devices were chauvinistic until some overprivileged "progressives" with a sick compulsion to find discrimination in everything started bitching about it.

Still, if you'd prefer your fembot to be more MILMlike, I understand they're working on that.

[Via Steve T

Five Common Piles

And how to avoid stepping in them... [More]

In re "the Golden Horde," I don't see vast herds coming my way, but I can envision opportunistic dangerous bands, which is why I view where I have placed myself as the most suppliable, defensible and amenable to mutually advantageous networking. To get there you have to go off the beaten path and through countless similar areas, plus there are neighbors who are (to my personal knowledge about several of them) equipped and inclined to act morally and rationally. So unless something that turns all that on its head comes along and all bets are off, no "bug out" for me.

Not that capricious fate -- or Mr. Murphy -- care about my preparations, and as Mr. Burns observed:
The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men  Gang aft agley...
Still, you gotta work the odds (as long as odds have meaning) and there are much easier and more accessible places for scavengers to forage for cannibal food.

What Happens in Vegas...

... is used as a pretext to put everyone at risk. [More]

Not Exactly a Candidate for an 'It's a Wonderful Life' Reboot

"I won't take responsibility for the murders..." [More]


21 and three kids -- increasingly, a norm in many places.

No civilization can bear such a burden forever.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Anybody Claim Responsibility Yet?

It was not immediately clear what was burning under the bridge or how the fire started. [More]
Now imagine this "happening" along another key route, and in other major cities.

And hey, just in time for the convention!

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Question is What Comes Next

And how ready are you for when it gets up close and personal? [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Droning On Enough

The bill would ban the use of weaponized drones, but exempt police. [More]
Of course it would. You know, just like Malloy's other "assault weapon" ban.

Besides, it just wants to make it back to the hangar at the end of its shift, and if you're not doing anything wrong you've got nothing to worry about...

I mean, it's not like remote control devices can be hacked or anything.

Another Voice to Suppress

And seeing where it's happening, the legal inability to present an effective deterrent all but guarantees violence. [More] 

That is, unless the administration caves and calls it off.

I'd say this is what we can expect if and when the Bolsheviks gain power, but by then, "conservative" voices will either be behind the wire or stilled. Which is why I'd prefer to keep them from gaining that power.