An Open Response to
US Marshal Judicial Security Inspector
David A. Meyer
I understand you took Ryan Horsley aside at the conclusion of trial testimony and instructed him to advise me of the Court Security Improvement Act of 2007, specifically, "Inspector Meyer asked me to contact you in regards to posting any information with the intent to threaten, intimidate, or incite the commission of a crime of violence against that covered official... "
In other words, this:
`Sec. 119. Protection of individuals performing certain official dutiesYour message has been received loud and clear--along with your warning that you will not hesitate to come down and arrest anyone you suspect of violating this law. Before I give you my reply, I want to make it clear that my response is mine alone. Any retaliation is mine to face, and taking it out on the man who passed your message along at your direction will not be something you can now do outside of a brightly focused light.
`(a) In General- Whoever knowingly makes restricted personal information about a covered official, or a member of the immediate family of that covered official, publicly available--
`(1) with the intent to threaten, intimidate, or incite the commission of a crime of violence against that covered official, or a member of the immediate family of that covered official; or
`(2) with the intent and knowledge that the restricted personal information will be used to threaten, intimidate, or facilitate the commission of a crime of violence against that covered official, or a member of the immediate family of that covered official,
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.
`(b) Definitions- In this section--
`(1) the term `restricted personal information' means, with respect to an individual, the Social Security number, the home address, home phone number, mobile phone number, personal email, or home fax number of, and identifiable to, that individual;
`(2) the term `covered official' means--
`(A) an individual designated in section 1114; or
`(B) a grand or petit juror, witness, or other officer in or of, any court of the United States, or an officer who may be serving at any examination or other proceeding before any United States magistrate judge or other committing magistrate;
`(3) the term `crime of violence' has the meaning given the term in section 16; and
`(4) the term `immediate family' has the meaning given the term in section 115(c)(2).'.
That said, OK, I recognize bait when I see it. I'll bite. Here is my considered response. Now that you've snagged me, hang on tight.
First off, if you have anything to say to me, say it directly. Don't go presuming sovereign citizens are your personal messenger boys.
Second, how dare you?
Don't presume to have authority to impose any prior restraint on what I write. Don't presume to warn me about what you will or will not allow me to say.
For you to imply any of my work might be illegal is a vile slander and you know it--if it wasn't, I'd already be in custody (assuming I was allowed to survive the arrest). Hell, you even admitted as much, but qualified that while I hadn't broken any laws, people who comment on this blog might.
That ain't your call, either, Bub. Don't presume to tell my guests what they can say--I run this site, you don't. I don't moderate and pre-approve comments, so if you have a problem with that, take it up with Blogger, which provides this as a standard option.
I've made it clear on numerous occasions that I allow "comments except for those that are...something that could be legally perceived as a threat against a specific person other than myself..."
Those get removed. And I've even warned people against it.
I've also speculated that comments that may be perceived as threatening are invariably posted anonymously, and that trolls doing it could very well be agents provocateur attempting to bring discredit or worse to my site. Heck, they might even work for the DoJ--it's not like you guys don't hang out here at all hours.
But you apparently need to establish a plausible cover story. Let's see--the same mighty BATFU that sends armed invaders smashing into people's homes and businesses is just scared out of their jackboots over what's being said about them on... blogs, so they need to enlist a protector, that would be you, against "Homegrown terrorists".
That would be people like me?
I dunno, Dave. It seems more likely they don't have confidence Judge Lodge will arrive at the verdict they've invested--what--how many hundreds of thousands of dollars in(?)--so they're coming up with Plan B in case they don't get the vindictive satisfaction they crave?
And we know they don't like light being shined on their activities--hell, we knew that when they presumed to authorize whether or not reporters could be present when they conducted public business, and maintained that bloggers were not "Authorized Journalists."
For the record:
I've never threatened anyone nor encouraged anyone else to threaten any one. I don't threaten people.
I've never given out any specific identifiable information about any of the agents, inspectors or witnesses involved in this case.
Now we get to the word "intimidate" and boy, that's kind of like beauty, you know--in the eye of the beholder? I mean, that's kind of like the anti-gun loons who say they have a right to feel safe, like I have any control over how they react emotionally.
So with no watchdog press, and with this edict you're warning me about in practice, "intimidation" might be construed as taking of photographs of government agents in action who end up being witnesses. If this is now verboten, well, there's only one set of lights left to turn off: RKBA (look it up) bloggers.
Now I have on occasion meant to ridicule, like now, and even dare and defy, again.
So if you think you have grounds to arrest me for violating this new law you just had to issue an official warning on, if you think you can prove I'm out there doing anything illegal, immoral or fattening, well, y'all know where my taxes get sent to, so I don't think you'll have any problem finding me.
I think it more likely you're just engaging in one of those color of authority abuses to try to chill free speech. I think BATFU's tired of having their vindictive actions exposed and they wanted you to throw some fear out there to make it stop. Well, hell, why would you expect people who don't respect the Second Amendment to give a damn about the First?
Funny how unintended some consequences are, isn't it? Instead, here I am calling attention to things even louder. Say, do you think Judge Lodge will appreciate hearing about your ham-handedness in this? I'm going to write him and find out.
So here's the thing, Dave. If you want to take this further, just say the word. I won't talk with you on the phone unless I can record the conversation, or in person unless I have an attorney present, but you're free to email me back (dcodrea AT hotmail DOT com) as long as you know I'm going to post it at WarOnGuns. Aside from that, if you want to go even further and arrest me (and why would a US Marshal send me a warning that he was prepared to do just that if that wasn't the ultimate card in your hand?), I do hope you can conduct things peaceably, as I would have no intention of missing my day in court.
At the risk of sounding paranoid (right, BATFU fears people like me and my site visitors?), I want to establish a record that I will not physically resist. If anything transpires that says I did, it will be a lie.
Easy. I've got kids in my house.
So with all that out of the way, I guess there's nothing left to do but present you with this. I bit, so now it's your turn:

This warning on the part of a federal marshal is chilling, and it was intended to be. By making specific mention of not just this blog, but of you who comment on it, and by warning us against something we've never engaged in, it's pretty clear what the intent was here.
Unlike many bloggers, I write under my own name. I do so because better men than me pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor, and bequeathed to me a sacred inheritance. If I am to consider myself even minimally worthy of their great sacrifices, I can do no less than strive to do the same--albeit with full humility in acknowledging my comparative shortcomings.
But I knew when I got involved in 2A activism many years ago that doing it sincerely would involve potential legal repercussions--from defying the state of California on registering my property, to chiding the City of San Francisco on their elitist hypocrisy and lawlessness. I do this not because I'm self-destructive, but because these are the agents of the state who rely on fear to impose their will, and I'm more resentful of that than I am afraid.
Governments are instituted among men to secure the blessings of Liberty. People should not be afraid of their government. I want to help dispel that fear. And I can't do that if I'm hiding in the shadows. I can't encourage others to do that--which is what we need if we're ever to secure meaningful reforms.
So I long ago made the decision that my Internet activities would be an open book. What I have written cannot be erased--at least by me. The good marshal here is free to look at everything I've ever said on this site and elsewhere, and he'll not find a shred of evidence supporting his decision to warn me--and you, the WarOnGuns correspondents--against committing a federal crime.
It's the same with emails. Many of you have written me and know I always make a good faith attempt to write back. And yes, at times I've wondered if some of my unknown correspondents might be trying to get me to write something imprudent. I've not only never taken that bait, but I don't even use encryption--something I've been urged to do, but my instincts say I will be better able to defend myself if I can demonstrate I've never tried to hide anything.
Regulars here will note that this post is a lot longer than I usually write. I did it because this time--with the specific mention of willingness to make arrests on the part of a federal LEO, I know making a post like this will not only anger him, but will get me as close to the line as I can get--knowing full well that this may still inspire him to increase the pressure, instead of just going the hell away and leaving me the hell alone.
Without meaning to sound paranoid, if the fedgov did decide I'd crossed their line with this and sent someone out to enforce their new edict against me, what do you think the chances are they'd send out someone to the home of a known "gun extremist" to politely ring my doorbell and hand me papers?
I figure my best protection at this point is to either let them cow me into silence, in which case this post would never have been written--or else shine as much light and bang as many pots as I can in case they decide to follow through. That's what I'm doing.
The ball is now in their court.
The floor is now open for comments. Careful now, both in what you say here and in what you say if you choose to email Inspector Meyer. As with so much else, and as he has made abundantly clear, intimidation and threats are the sole province of "The Only Ones," and they will brook no competition.
And if anybody wants to make a copy of this post, just as insurance in case there are repercussions, go right ahead.

Just when I think our government cannot sink any lower we see yet another example of thuggish behavior like this.
David, our prayers and support are with you. Thank you for your patriotism.
You, David Codrea, are a hero and an inspiration. Thank you.
Reproduced in its entirety on my blog, David. Keep us updated as things develop. If you need anything you have my e-mail.
Give em hell David!
Scott Wilkinson
Phx AZ
Doesn't like us using the First Amendment to protect the Second, does he? I bet he'd be really unhappy if we did it the other way around.
SS officer Meyer should be fired immediately.
Fight islam Now
Well, let it be publicly known right here and now, that if any action by Mr. Meyer (or any of his associates), whether legal of tactical, that I, at least, will devote even more of my precious private time and step up the 'blogging', doing everything within my personal power to spread the word and shed light on every activity possible by Mr. Meyers agency of questionable legality.
You've got 110% of my support David.
Duane Suddeth (just so people know who they are dealing with.
How dare you question your gods? How dare you speak your mind. Americans aren't supposed to question their almighty government. How dare you! These DOJ people are sick. After all, according to them, they say they can crush a child's testicles if they think they're a terrorist. Figures.
I will not be wronged, I will not be insulted, I will not be lied to, and I will not be laid hands on.
So sayeth John Wayne.
I think that covers intimidation as well.
Dave Meyer is no friend of Liberty, and I repudiate his thuggish attempt to instill fear of the Federal Government in me.
My name is Lee Warner, and I live in Lakeview, Arkansas. I'm in the book, Dave. Come look me up.
This post is available in PDF format on my blog. Thanks for the idea, Clay.
I suppose a link would have helped.
Can you post the original warning letter, or is that prohibited by some legal fine print in the government standard signature block?
Acck I failed reading comprehension
Saw that they didn't want to leave tracks after I re-read the first paragraph
This is why I read WoG. David, I appreciate your stand. These 'public servants' are out of control. There are 10,000 real problems they could look into and they pick a you. The greatness of a man is known by the greatness of his enemies. You, David Codrea are a great man and a great patriot. Thank you.
Sam Tyner
Red's near dormant website (one 2 line update since the first day of the trial), along with this post leads me to believe that Red was "warned" too.
It makes good sense to keep silent while a Federal Jodge is deciding your fate. Any slight mis-understanding could lead to a dire outcome. I doesn't serve his goal of retaining his FFL to speculate as to things going well or poorly; or whether the judge seemed anything other than inscrutable; or if the AUSA seemed to have been caught being silly; or etc. So I agree with his dormancy (no doubt also encouraged by his lawyer, to whom he is paying for advice).
Nevertheless, as this is a blog here, and not a cour, I wouldn't mind seeing more hearsay and characterizations of the proceedings. Surely there were people in the court such that might have something to say.
IIRC, I saw only one, newspaper account after the second day.
Are the words "Fuck Off You Jack-Booted Thug" out of line?
Way to go, Dave! Stick to your guns.
If I understand correctly, Ryan was asked to convey a message to David by a law enforcement officer. If this is the case, it sounds like a classic sideways attack. It may be a psychological tactic designed to create tension between Ryan and David - to make them feel as if they can't trust each other or that their mutual communications will be subject to heightened scrutiny. Don't fall for it. Still, be shrewd in how you communicate.
In war, it is frequently a goal to interrupt the communications of the enemy through both direct tactics and psychological tactics. Don't leave yourself open for direct attacks, and don't fall for the psychological tricks.
BTW, video cameras are very helpful tools for recording all interactions with law enforcement.
An LEO telling a third party to pass on a warning to an individual? Sure sounds like intimidation to me.
Any legal wonks care to comment on Meyer's actions? Is he breaking any laws or codes of conduct? Are agents allowed to try and chill free speech by making such unfounded allusions? Wonder what his bosses think of this behaviour- obviously he had no evidence to back up this absurd claim.
I'm 110% behind you David.
Disgusting. But unfortunately, not surprising.
I wish I could write what you have, but Nimrod45 expressed my thoughts exactly.
I have in the past posted imprudent remarks that I later would have regretted, but you quite properly exhibited clear reason and made them go away. Wanted to express my understanding and appreciation of your efforts.
Didn't BATFE or some such try something similar with John Ross over "Unintended Consequences" a while back? Seem to recall that work of fiction hurt their feelings, failed to show the proper subservient respect they figured they deserved. Personally, I thought it was a good read.
Uncle Lar
Is this shit now LAW? I wouldn't be surprised since the public servants have all but done away with every avenue of redress that the citizens had. They now fear for their lives because they know they are operating above the law. They go so far as to pass countless "laws" that protect their criminal conduct and threaten government sanctioned force.
We were warned about this hundreds of years ago. Sadly we did not listen. It's sad.
We've got one chance to take the all or nothing move, removing every single elected servant, and if at all possible appointed ones as well, in next election. It requires every single person to vote out every damn person in office and hold them accountable. I have no delusions of that happening.
Even the mere mention of an alternative would be seen as provocation to the criminals in positions of power when the very men that formed this country clearly held the people had a rightto remove corrupt and abusive governments.
God bless you David, and Ryan, for standing up to these "people" and having the courage to shine the light on them.
-Tom Luhtala, Ohio
Dayum! I've only been reading your blog for a short while and really enjoy the info and commentary. It's scary to think that a federal agent would pull some half wit stunt like this. Only in B movies do you see a plot line like this.
Don't these people realize that regular folks like me WANT to respect them and the agencies they represent. We WANT to believe that our Government and it's representatives are acting in our best interests. I know that sounds naive, given all the crap that goes on everyday in Government.
Aw shit, this kinda crap depresses me. Sorry for rambling.
We don't live in a police state! Noooooo! No police state! Nooooooo! And I'm not in denial about that either! Nooooooo! No denial! Nooooooo!
You know, whenever I have had a problem with someone, I have usually approached that person with said problem and worked it out.
Mr. Codrea, if there were to be a problem, I'm sure you would have been "arrested" or whatever our government is calling it these days. I can't imagine the us marshall service 'sending a threat' through Ryan. That is so bizarre.
I am so fed up with these intimidation tactics. You cannot rule by fear. Saddam Hussein (he's not a "covered person", is he?) ruled by fear.... remember?
This is America.
Since we can't do anything about them is it OK to appeal to a higher power?
God damn these scumbags.
The message as related is that you commit a crime if you post *anything* that might incite people to unpleasantries. But the statute as set out only punishes *revealing personal info* with the intent of causing unpleasantry.
At least as I read it, a person could post a message that all right-thinking people would want to kidnap Inspector ____ and send him to a secret island where the Sodomy Squirrels will make his life a living hell, so long as it wasn't followed by "and here's his cell phone number so you can tell him just that."
I'd gather that the inspector either (1) didn't or couldn't read the statute or (2) figures he could by misstating it chill criticism. In either event I'd have doubts as to his intellect for the job.
Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw years ago. "I love my country but fear my government".
More and more every day more and more people are starting to fear the governmnet.
David, you said CA was were you got stated speaking out. Funny thing is all the states out west here are getting loads of folks from CA moving into their states. The reason we all know isn't the weather in these other states. It's they have had it with the government in that state/country and are getting out. Nothing but nothing destroys a decent place to live faster then a government that's grown too large and powerful.
btw/ for whatever it's worth, I have never seen you post anything that supports unlawfullness or violence.
Good on you, David. It's good to see that there are at least a few folks left in this country with some steel in their spine. The Founder's would be proud and so are we. Keep the focus of your light on those miserable, cowardly cockroaches. There are a lot more of us than you or they may think that have got your back brother. Semper Paratus, Semper Fidelis, Semper Vigilantia, Semper Veridicus.
This sounds like what the founders were concerned about.
Allen Medlock
Mesa, AZ
They are bluffing.
They are afraid.
David: Keep on keeping on. The link on our blog is below.
FedGov: Just stop it. Now. Really.
Yours for Liberty,
Peter White
Atlanta, GA
I'm amazed that guy had the stones to threaten you. Seems that it's not only the BATFE who can be complete and total wankers.
Mind if I copy your post to my Livejournal? I doubt they'd waste their time coming all the way to Scotland to make threats.
I'm to tired to write a beautiful response.
I just wanted to come on and say I'm still behind you, I'm not hiding, and to say "hello" to Feds that reading this.
Feds, you're making it clear that you are watching us are you?
Well, we are watching you to.
IANAL, but based on the language of the statute as posted, I agree with Dave Hardy.
Beyond that, my words being insufficient to the day, I'll borrow some of Dr. Franklin's that seem fitting:
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
Kenneth David Hall
Fear is one of the great motivators for irrational behavior and fatal errors. What you see with the Federal Marshal and his threat is fear and desperation. BATFE is realizing that they have now come upon those who will not bow down in subjugation and be ridiculed into submission. The BATFE has found out that there are those who will stand up and say, "no more, no more will I allow my self to be trampled upon by the criminal element of the Government. Now, I will stand and defy their threats and intimidation. I will stand as a FREE MAN!". BATFE fears this more than anything. They have shown in the past that they know no bounds to crush this thinking beneath their boot heel.
Fear has now taken the BATFE to call upon other foul members of our Government to do what they now fear to do themselves. They know that they no longer have respect and no longer command fear, now they have to rely on a relatively untarnished agency to bear the tidings of evil that they offer.
Now, the Federal Marshals have fallen to the same disgusting level of thuggery and the path to redemption now will be long and hard.
Fear has compounded the mistakes that the BATFE has made over the years and culminated into this almost laughable fiasco.
David, I applaud your will and determination. As for the Federal Marshal who made the threat, the shame you bear must be intolorable. If it isn't, you represent everything that is repugnant to freedom and liberty and you should take the time to re-evaluate your priorities in life. I would pity you but you have brought this upon yourself and it is a burden you alone will carry.
God Bless,
Michael Saranos
David states: ...scared out of their jackboots over what's being said about them on... blogs...
Of course they are. The internet and the blogs in particular are a free press that the world has never known before. Paine would be humbled, Franklin would be envious, Tyndale would be in awe and Gutenberg would be proud.
Did you know that the world first learned about Tiananmen Square and information within the corrupt and crumbling Soviet Union in the 1980s was transmitted through fax machines?
I think that some of us should look into buying HAM radios and hand crank generators if they should ever pull the plug on us.
Glad your on my side, David. I'd sure hate to be opposed to you.
Reposted in its entirety, and linked.
You are an inspiration, David.
Don't worry, there is a gaggle of gun-owning forum warriors who polish the jackboots with their tongues, and would happily impale themselves upon their AR-15 walking sticks if given the word by their masters, nay, their idols. Take care to turn your back on those who you can truly trust, and remember "when the ax entered the forest, the trees said 'the handle is one of us.'" Your courage and bravery shine David. May friends be with you in your darkest hours.
[...] Bait [...]
Take a look at US Code Title 18 Section 241.
I wrote an e-mail to US Marshal Judicial Security Inspector David A. Meyer and cc'd David (David feel free to post any or all of it if you think my writing is up to snuff) explaining how in *my* happy place thugs like him are sent to prison with their pensions and assets seized to pay restitution to their victims.
Oh, yeah, and I gave him my address and phone number, just in case they wanted to send a message to me.
And remember what Emile Khadaji told Factor Wall in Steve Perry's classis Matador trilogy:
"The people have long memories."
Peace all, and here is to hoping that we get our liberty back peacefully.
It seems like there may be at least two reasons for the implied threat from the inspector. First, the bloggers, their readers, and the commenters are becoming too informed and need to be intimidated into silence. Second, the implied threat is being held out as an inducement to incite a threatening response from bloggers or commenters which would then be the pretext to clamp down on those who are becoming too informed.
It seems like the bloggers and commenters are being both tough and smart and not letting their emotions be manipulated by others.
I'll send you a cake. What size Bastard file do you need?
And - Oh!
Before you go to the Steel-Bar hotel courtesy of our loving and benevolent Federal government... will you PLEASE divest your blog of the egregious "characters you see in the picture above" filter on your Comments page?
I find it almost as annoying as Federal Prosecutors. (Well, I haven't been threatened by My Government for years, now.)
Wow. That's totally insane. Did someone switch the US with communist China while I was sleeping or something?
Either way, you handled that much better than I would have! My best response would have been to send him the sarcastic image macro I just stuck on my post linking to this entry..
People, we need to forward this information to out public officials, Legislators, and papers, with the question is this the way our hired public officials and agencies act?
“When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson.
Given what;s just happened to David it seems apt to post this link concerning NY Gov Eliot Spitzer-
"Mr. Spitzer's recklessness with the state's highest elected office, though, is of a piece with his consistent excesses as Attorney General from 1999 to 2006.
He routinely used the extraordinary threat of indicting entire firms, a financial death sentence, to force the dismissal of executives, such as AIG's Maurice "Hank" Greenberg. He routinely leaked to the press emails obtained with subpoena power to build public animosity against companies and executives. In the case of Mr. Greenberg, he went on national television to accuse the AIG founder of "illegal" behavior. Within the confines of the law itself, though, he never indicted Mr. Greenberg. Nor did he apologize."
And there's more-
We've seen it with the BATF and with the Only Ones chronicles and now with this Meyer character- more and more public servants seem to think that they are above the law. As the linked article shows, the press were all too happy not to shine the spotlight on Spitzer because of the stories he tossed them. So much for authorized journalists.
You humble me with your courage to act. Count me as one of those who stands with you.
otherwise known as:
Wade Jensen
Raleigh, NC
To the Feds: the more you try to silence people, the more vocal we will be. This blog is but one example. Look at how it has spread like wildfire across other blogs. It is now being posted on news aggregators to give it even more exposure. Keep it up assholes, we love a good fight.
Just to let you know I copied and pasted this to one of the boards I Mod on. along with a link to your blog and will be putting it on my web site once I get it up and running again.
Linked. Give 'em hell, bro!
(Feds; maybe you can stop the signal -- but you cannot stop the message. The harder you try, the more folks take up the outcry).
I am of the opinion that the Government is out of control.
Even some newscasters are coming around to this opinion.
As long as "we the people" keep electing political critters who are there for the power trips and "perks", this is what "we the people" will have to put up with.
As long as the congressinoal committies allow the batfu and other agencies to lie under oath and falsify data with out penalties, this is what we will get.
G. L. Heaton
Independence, MO
There is no room in our country for government intimidation. You do our nation's founders proud, David. Keep up the good fight.
Here is my email to Mr. Meyer:
Titled: Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law:
Mr. Meyer, your attempt to violate the first amendment rights of citizens in this nation is contemptible. It is also cowardly in that you chose to try to chill conversation about the trial involving Red's Trading Post by trying to initmidate Ryan Horsley and have him pass your message along to others over whom he has no control.
While we are speaking of the crime of intimidation, here is something of which you should be aware:
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnaping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
You are dangerously close to that line with your threats of arrest in order to stifle citizens' rights to express their opinions and discuss the public's business and the state of the law and/or the alleged crimes and misdemeanors of certain government agencies.
Now we all know the chances of finding an honest patriotic U.S. Attorney who actually believes in the law are slim, at best, but it could happen. If it does, you may find yourself facing the very type of charges you have attempted to use to instill fear of exercise of constitutionally guaranteed rights. As noted, the chances of this are slim, and at the moment, you are just against that line, should you cross it, you should be prosecuted to fullest extent of the law.
That you would try such bully boy tactics, especially in the absence of any threats, or intimidation or coercion of any kind by any of those people you warned, and in recognition of the fact that you wield power and authority bestowed upon you by those people not afforded the average citizen it can be said that you are guilty of attempted intimidation. That it hasn't worked and, so far no harm has come to any of the targets of your intimidation is all that keeps you on the safe side of that line that separates the criminal from the law abiding.
A criminal law enforcer is far more reprehensible than any other kind of criminal. I sincerely urge you to not cross that line.
You may recoil at this thought, but you are only a citizen, yourself. Admittedly you have been charged with the responsibility to enforce the law as your occupation, but you still are just a citizen. You are not an ubermenschen, nor a citizen of a higher order. We do not have those in this nation. I urge you to be a good citizen and not some terrorist using the power of your office through intimidation to quell free speech. The key word is responsibility. You not only have the responsibility to enforce the law, you also have the responsibility to obey it. As do we all. Please do so.
Our nation came into existence because of the disparity of application of laws. None of us want to go back there. I should think you would be more aware of and more in agreement with this position than most.
Charles H. Sawders
Mr. Codrea: you have said that your courage, patriotism, and heroism pales in comparison to those past, but i respectfully disagree...placing oneself in imminent personal danger for the cause of liberty is exactly what they did and exactly what you have done now.
if and when financial support is needed in defense against any action perpetrated against you due to your brave and defiant response to this outrageous treatment at the hands of our federal employees, i will contribute immediately and substantially; it would take just a request from you.
i do hope that you wrote the referenced letter to the judge in the case and included a verbatim copy of this post...if there is a love and respect of the Constitution in his body, he will act appropriately with respect to this individual.
you have my greatest respect, admiration, and support, and damn can you write!
j. terry curtiss, retired ffl
a/k/a the pawnbroker
They stand upon the brink ... and yet have no clue.
They can end this at any time, by simply backing off ... but they won't.
We beg them to not follow this course ... but they insist there is no cliff before them, and threaten to punish us for trying to warn them.
Revolutions are started by servants of the State, every time, without exception.
"They run this way.
They run that way.
They are confused.
They are afraid.
They are cowards."
- The Power of One
Way to go! I'm a meager father of one, but if you need to take up donations to fight this swine with a badge, I'm in, if you need bodies (not for violence, you jackbooted douchebags), I'm there. It makes me proud to share this great Country with you!
And for the Jackbooted, hamhanded, filthy lying scumbags who are reading this.
Nate Gray
Haddon Heights, NJ
What an amazing pack of gutless wonders...
I know you've gotten a lot of support here already, but for what it's worth, here's another gun blogger who is behind you 100%.
Keep up the good fight.
The Liberty Sphere
I see that the right to be left alone has been reserved for someone other than the American people.
Also: Crypto has more uses than just securing the clear text of a message.
You probably already have, but make sure your State Representatives, US Representative, and Senator, and Sheriff of your county/parish know about this.
Also, it almost sounds like this person (i hate to use the term for him) has attempted to intimidate Mr. Horsley.
My email to Gestapo Meyer:
Herr Meyer,
Thanks for the heads up. What a brave man you are to threaten a citizen who has done nothing but exercise his First Amendment rights. Are you perhaps auditioning for the role of Jack Booted Thug Poster Boy of the Month? If you have reason to charge somebody, charge them. Merely threatening to do so is simply punk. I once had someone call me up in the middle of the night back during the 90s, breathing heavily and threatening to kill me. He was either a green-toothed neoNazi terrorist-wannabe or a disgruntled ATF agent (and there really isn't much functional difference between the two, is there?). I laughed at him and told him thusly: "If you were going to kill me, you would just do it. You obviously don't know the difference between real sex and masturbation. When you figure it out, look me up."
So, as far as your similar threats to honest American gun owners like Mr. Codrea, you may continue beating your gums or your johnson, as you please. But really, don't expect the rest of us to be frightened by the display. You only embarrass yourself and there might be women and kids watching.
Mike Vanderboegh
Pinson AL
PS You may find ME by calling up "Waco Jim" Cavanaugh of the ATF. He knows where to find me.
cc: David Codrea, US Senator Richard Shelby
I am behind you 100%. You are a patriot through and through.
This is all about the First Amendment. Let's not follow the gov't down the path of censorship. After all, censorship is becoming America's favorite past-time. The US gov't (and their corporate friends), already detain protesters, ban books like America Deceived (book) from Amazon and shut down Ron Paul. Free Speech forever.
Thanks to the government sponsored goon squads like BATFAG, WE the People can be assured of that knock on the door at 3 am.
All for the crime of trying to live by the Bill of Rights.
Those heavily armed thugs will kick down your door, using that time honored technique called the "No Knock Warrant."
If you are confused when this happens and try and defend yourself from what appears to be armed invaders, you'll be lit up with a submachine gun, turning your body into goo.
If by some miracle you survive this onslaught, you'll be tasered, beaten and tossed into prison, spending months and months awaiting trial.
The trial outcome will be a foregone conclusion, thanks to butt kissers who would rat out their mother for a few bucks.
This is AmeriKa in the 21st Century. An AmeriKa of heavily armed government goon squads, more than happy to kick down your door and blast you to hell and gone.
Just ask the survivors of Waco. Or Randy Weaver.
My name is Greg Bacon of Douglas County, MO and I APPROVE OF THIS MESSAGE.
I spent the first part of my life serving my country and proud of it.
Ever since 9/11 I have watched in slack jawed amazement at how badly fooled I had been all along, at just what depths we had sunken to in not only allowing, but in actively participating in our own enslavement.
My uncle is a retired career ATF field agent who now hangs his head in shame. I wish I could tell you the things he has to say about the organization he faithfully served and about the men and women who now inhabit positions of power in this and other agencies.
I would say that this agent should be ashamed, but like the concept of honor, shame too is an anachronistic leftover from another time that few people even recognize, never mind possess.
I do not have a great deal of hope for my nation any longer, I believe that we have in fact slouched too far towards Gomorrah to ever get back, but if I am mistaken, if the other shoe ever drops I cannot imagine what it will be like for those men and women who sold their souls for a paycheck, who so readily stomped upon the God-given rights of their fellow citizens in order to prop up a tyrannical criminal elite, for they will truly be men without a country and will surely be cut loose by their overlords as their victims seek recompense.
This is the first time I have ever read your blog, but I thank you for having the character and courage to stand up for what is right, rather than for what is utile. I applaud you.
As far as I`m concerned all americans should buy guns and ammo and take some basic shooting/gun handling courses. Just in case you ever need it.
They won't be content until they ave destroyed the entire Constitution. They won't be content til they are torturing more innocent civilians just for daring to exercise their first amendmment right.
These pathetic bunch of nazis don't even have allegiance to the USA.
THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Yet, they are systematically removing the rights of millions of law-abiding citizens to purchase and own firearms.
I risked my life and took on oath to defend this country against all enemies foreign and domestic, yet I cannot own a firearm now. (See veterans disarmament act and Illinois FOID Card).
I'd like to know what authority they think they have over us after the Constitution is gone. It is the basis of the rule of law. If they have eradicated our rights, then by default they have eradicated their own.
SO by all means delegitimize your nazi FASCIST government, becasue it will mean WE DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU ANYMORE.
Criminal enterprise with nazi war criminals at the top. They torture little kids in front of their parents. They are the lowest cum of the earth and whatever misfortunes befall them, couldn't possibly be enough.
Thanks to this author for not bowing to their fear. If everyone did this, they'd all be in prison where THEY belong.
911 was an inside job. But I bet you don't care about that do you BATF. You're more worried aobut trying to crush those who won't be slaves to your evil 666 system.
And guess what? You'e going to have to kill us to shut us up.
David, you're a true Patriot!
I'm glad that this lily-livered coward made the threat. Because he did that, more people will now be reading on here than ever and paying attention to the information that they obviously don't want to know about. I'll also be sending links to this to everyone I know. Thank you, Dave!
Well i read what you posted, and i live halfway round the world from you, Spain to be exact.
A good time to remind public servents who they work for, blog on.
As has been mentioned upthread already, "sunlight is the best disinfectant."
I don't even own a gun. I'm unsure as to whether or not I'll EVER own one. Personally I think every citizen would be better off armed with video cameras. Evil can't flourish in situations where stealth is not possible.
However, I'll bitch-to-the-death for the rights of the rest of you to have as many guns as you damn please. ESPECIALLY since our late Republic has been infiltrated by the Nazis and Bolsheviks now controlling our so-called "Homeland Security" apparatchik. Even I know that the first thing to go before a genocide is the public's legal right to defend itself.
That's why I'm linking this post to my blog, which has absolutely nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment but everything about the 1st.
Remember the movie Gremlins? Be like them. Every time the government throws cold water on you, MULTIPLY and make them wish they hadn't. you all know....we are stuck with a government that continues to subvert the law. Their mindframe is equal to Nazi-Facist thoughts. They have in their hearts the power to not think rationally. Therefore they will always be a threat to the American people until we have to go in DC and take back our Government. Its only a matter of time when we will be able to round up all those they way our army did with the Nazis and indict every single public servant for following orders criminally. They know better, they just dont have the mind to obey the people. They are evil and cannot change! We must put trust in ourselves to do what our founding fathers warned us about this sort of threat. Contempt breeds more contempt and thats whats happening more and more.
"Evil can't flourish in situations where stealth is not possible."
Then London should be the safest place on Earth.
A video recording does nothing to protect your safety. It only helps when enough other people can see the images to do something about it after the fact.
Aside from this, I agree that if you can afford the gadgetry, it's sure a good idea to be recording as much of your contact with public "servants" as possible. Just don't count on the availability of the recording made by publicly-owned equipment. Those tend to become accidentally erased, or mysteriously disappear when they contain exculpatory evidence for anyone other than agents of the state.
Give 'em hell, sir!
And blog on.
David, thanks for taking the bait and letting them have it. I'll keep on forwarding and writing letters myself. David Meyers can bite me too. Mr. Meyers, I live in Floyd County Texas and I am easy to find. COME AND GET ME. Just do it yourself and don't send someone else's son a daughter.
Tommy Sherman & I approve of this whole message.
John Dean (and others) have written extensively about the authoritarian personalities of many who do the bidding of and enforcing for the state. At core, these bullies are cowards, using the power they have unfortunately been given to threaten and intimidate others. They have become the new Gestapo of the cursed Empire. And they deserve all the respect one would give to the Gestapo.
I submitted legitimate allegations of illegal electronic surveillance of myself possibly being conducted by members of the U.S. Marshals Service to the U.S. Marshals Service Office of Inspection. I received a document from the former Chief Inspector of the U.S. Marshals Service Office of Inspection stating that they would conduct an official investigation but "I would not be entitled to know the outcome due to privacy issues" not reflected by statute of law in violation of federal statute Title 50 > Chapter 36 > Subchapter I > § 1810 Civil liability.
After waiting over a period of thirty days I received no further communication from the U.S. Marshals Service at which time I contacted the office of the Hon. Senator Charles E. Schumer. His New York office submitted a request to the former Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legislative Affairs U.S. Department of Justice requesting their direct response.
Hon. Senator Charles E. Schumer later received a response from the Chief of the U.S. Marshals Service Office of Congressional Affairs which contained false statements in violation of Title 18 > Part I > Chapter 47 > § 1001 Statements or entries generally & Title 18 > Part I > Chapter 73 > §§§ 1510, 1515, 1519 Obstruction of Justice. At which time he stated that the U.S. Marshals Service had not and would not investigate my allegations contradicting the previous letter from the U.S. Marshals Service internal affairs division. This was and is in violation of federal statute of law as well as U.S. Department of Justice policies & procedures. Title 18 > Part I > Chapter 19 > § 371 Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States.
Thus making his statements absent of a rational connection between the facts found and the choice made. A clear error of judgment; an action not based upon consideration of relevant factors and so is arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in accordance with law or if it was taken without observance of procedure required by law 5 USC 706(2)(A). This was and is in violation of federal law as well as U.S. Department of Justice policies & procedures.
How is it legally possible that the Chief of the U.S. Marshals Service Office of Congressional Affairs contradicted the former Chief Inspector of the U.S. Marshals Service Office of Inspection in writing three times. Twice to a U.S. Senator who sits on the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime & Drugs which has oversight of the U.S. Marshals Service & once to a U.S. Congressman & no corrective action has been taken whatsoever?
I have requested official federal oversight by the Senate and/or House of all parties concerned including myself. I am willing to testify in any U.S. federal court of law that my allegations are true to the best of my knowledge.
The physical documentation can be downloaded from & you can review further information at Thank you.
TITLE 5 > PART I > CHAPTER 7 > § 706
§ 706. Scope of review
To the extent necessary to decision and when presented, the reviewing court shall decide all relevant questions of law, interpret constitutional and statutory provisions, and determine the meaning or applicability of the terms of an agency action. The reviewing court shall—
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 1 > § 4
§ 4. Misprision of felony
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
TITLE 28 > PART IV > CHAPTER 85 > § 1361
§ 1361. Action to compel an officer of the United States to perform his duty
The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any action in the nature of mandamus to compel an officer or employee of the United States or any agency thereof to perform a duty owed to the plaintiff.
Mr. Robert Reynolds
New York, NY
David is one of the few gun rights activists I believe really is willing to spit in Leviathan's face. That buys him a lot in my book. Tin-plated tyrants with delusion of godhood like Agent Dave probably don't understand the outrage crap like this causes. I propose, therefore, that the evidence of this and numerous similar instances requires an addition to Lord Acton's observation: Power does not just corrupt men, it also makes them stupid.
I do not worship any gods and, sure as sin, if I ever seem to bow my head to one of these poseurs it's because I'm looking for a rock.
Have you considered a complaint to the DOJ Office of Inspector General? Also this seems actionalbe under Bivens v. Six Unknown Agents.
Then there is the law of unintended consequences. David A Meyer should understand that fine point.
Being a fairly new follower to TWOG, I was unfamiliar with this marvelous new technology called the BITE-ME-GRAM. If they're not too much trouble or too expensive, may we see more of them?
Thank you.
Just wanted to remind you, that we are still out here. Your policy is still in good standing.
Agent 100 Hundred Heads Life & Casualty Company
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