Tuesday, August 15, 2017

You Suppose Right

An anonymous troll (is there any other kind?) presumes to have come up with an original "gotcha." [More]

Someone's prejudices are showing.No wonder he projects.

His supposition that race should be a disqualifer from rights reflects on his own ignorance, biases and shortcomings, no one else's.  But yes, as a matter of fact, as long as everyone is exercising their right to keep and bear arms without initiating threats and violence, the rights of all peaceable people should be respected, and that's hardly a new stance:

I could go on and on and on and...

Here's a free tip for you, pal: Scout the terrain before engaging.

This guy would really benefit from spending less time smugly presuming to judge gun owner rights advocates and more time considering why a monopoly of violence is a prerequisite for totalitarianism. And a lot less time anonymously trolling, which says more about those who do than those they're aggressing against...

One Question

Earlier this month, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts revealed the 2017 recipients of the Kennedy Center Honors. In addition to being celebrated at a gala in December attended by the president and the first lady, the honorees are also typically feted at a White House reception. [More]

Not Meaning to Start a Conspiracy Theory, But...

[No More]
That's curious, because you can find no shortage of other videos of the Charlottesville car crash, and per WarOnGuns Correspondent Florida Guy's analysis:
My 2 cents:1. Driver was a professional.  CALM, straight- back reverse    at high speed without wobble after impact.....2. Heavily blacked out side windows. 3.  Freeze frame at:   :21   you can see inside....front windshield     note steering wheel.      Were the AIRBAGS disconnected ?  Looks like IT !I wonder if the REAL driver normally wears a necktie to work, and carries a Glock ?
I can't say because I haven't seen it, and can't now. But couple that with an observation I made:
But there’s one curious thing about alleged assailant and apparent lone wolf James Alex Fields Jr., whom the media is making sure everyone is told was “a registered Republican” — his Facebook page, where he is said to have praised both Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler has been deleted from public scrutiny. That means is all we will hear about him is what has been funneled to the media and they are parroting. The path for independent investigative journalists to see for ourselves and to pull threads on our own has been effectively blocked, so we’re now essentially dependent on those with an agenda to craft the narrative and to decide what they’re going to include in it for public consumption.
Is it really that unreasonable to speculate on how it's understandable if some people suspect we're being played?

A Tale of Two Cities

National Security Adviser McMaster on Charlottesville: “Of Course it Was Terrorism” [More]
Police arrested the driver immediately and after an initial interrogation ruled out any potential terrorist motives. [More]
Maybe it wasn't. At least they investigated before announcing conclusions.

McMaster... isn't that the guy who says "the Islamic State is not Islamic"...?

[Via Mack H]

A Missed Opportunity

“Stop filming bro,” one protester yelled. [More]
My first impulse would have been to point at him and yell "UNDERCOVER COP!!!"

[Via Michael G]

A Thought Führer

REPORT: White Supremacist Leader in Charlottesville Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter – Occupy Protester [More]
What?  He may not be sincere? There are provocateurs ginning up the low-hanging fruit?

How is such a thing possible???

And why would SPLC out him?

[Via Michael G]

A Piece of the Action

The plaintiffs have said the tax violates a Washington law that bans cities from regulating firearms, reserving that authority for the state. Seattle claims the tax is legal because taxation is different from regulation. [More]
Who's regulatin'? We're taxin'.

Right, Jojo?

And all the Supreme Court has to do to let judicial activism trump preemption laws is... nothing.

[Via Jess]

And the Crowd Went Wild

Members of the New Taliban memorialize themselves for history.

So: When do we start with Mount Rushmore? And all those landmarks around D.C.?

You can't destroy the Republic without destroying its memory.

[Via Jeet]

So What We Need are 'Reasonable Restrictions' and 'Compromise'?

Rallies with guns cannot be treated, for First Amendment purposes, in the same fashion as rallies with no guns. [More]
Why? Because Slate says so?


Now the First and Second Amendments are incompatible, so one of them must go? Why not both?

They're getting to that. All the Marxists know how to do is demand obedience enforced through a monopoly of violence.

I've been to plenty of rallies with guns. I've never seen those on the side of the Constitution initiate violence with them.

Charlottesville reflected a deliberate stand-down ordered for political exploitation purposes. Some friends of mine are working up an analysis of that along with a comparison of results where peacekeeping was proactive. I'll be sure to link to that when it's posted.

[Via TheFakePundit]

Watts’ NRA ‘Hate’ Smear Part of Renewed Collectivist Effort to Discourage Truth

The truly radical idea, of course, is that exercising an entitlement recognized in the Bill of Rights is intimidating to any but aggressors, and that Americans who do so are a threat to be neutralized, as Watts’ ”Disarm Hate” Twitter header photo suggests. [More]
What she's demanding is that gun owners be disarmed for those who hate them.