Monday, March 02, 2009

A Willing Slave

[A] bloodlust for killing...pompous enough to call it self-defense...a phallic substitute... [More]
Good grief. There's a whole lotta stupid going on here, inside Madison J. Gray's confused and angry skull.

And nope, "dope dealers" don't scare me, child. Seriously. Really. If you think they do, you have no idea what the score is, and seeing as how you're my enemy, that's a good thing. I want you to be as ignorant as possible, and in truth, you exceed all hopes.

No "crawlspace" hiding, either. That's a survival tactic for the disarmed.

Here's my comment in full, in case it gets reported as "offensive," which, face it, is what I was trying to be.

By: David Codrea on 3/02/2009 2:35PM

"Look, those of you who read me regularly, know how much I HATE guns. The very concept of handling a device that is actually designed for the sole purpose of ending a human life, I find abhorrent."

So are you going to send someone else who doesn't have such qualms to die in the civil war your little gun control scheme will start?

I mean, really--what do you do if some of us say "No"?

We will not disarm.

Are you willing to engage in battle and die for your beliefs--or do you expect others will handle the messy part for you?

You're unworthy of the sacrifice men like the Deacons for Defense and Justice made on behalf of Freedom.

I don't expect you to learn from men like Roy Innis--you're one of those self-important fools who thinks he's qualified to teach but in fact is too dull to learn.

Continue being a tool for Massah Uncle Sam's Plantation, you disgusting coward, you willing slave.

[Via Bruce W. Krafft]


Duane Suddeth said...

"And no matter what kind of cowboy you think you are, you're just not that good of a shot."

and my reply to this blog:

I beg to differ. As a 6 year marine veteran with 5 rifle expert qualifications and a pistol expert qualification, I'm reasonably confident that I can outshoot any drug cartel member, gang banger, street thug, or even armed law enforcement agent if necessary.

This article is representative of people who have almost no real world experience, but would try to put off the impression that they are far more intelligent and wiser than the average person. It actually makes one look rather simple and naive.

CCK said...

I really hate it when you mince words!

Anonymous said...

uh uh fap! er uh, crap! You didn't leave anything to say to this cowardly Judas goat.

Anonymous said...

Amazing to see someone who should be front and center advocating armed resistance to slavery... crawling and fawning with the slaves instead.

Sort of like listening to Jews who revere the memory of their holocaust victim family members... and yet don't understand at all that they died because they had been disarmed - both physically and emotionally.

It was great to see that most of the folks leaving comments rejected his craven nonsense...

Bravo, David! Hope it hit him between the eyes. :)

Anonymous said...

It very much pleases me that every commentor has further systematically ripped this author's article apart. This guy is going to shit a brick when he finnally looks back at this. Though he may call the cops to complain that "all these gun nuts wrote mean comments on my website and I'm scared of them."

Anonymous said...

should the memory hole claim it:

Anyone willing to bet that with all these "stupid gun nuts" buying guns the only area of elevated shootings will remain in the inner cities of this nation? Yes, the places where young (primarily) (insert whatever term you've been taught to call yourselves if you disagree with "black" here) kill each other over "turf" wars largely resulting from the use, sale, distribution, and possession of drugs and the wads of cash that come with them using handguns (not "assault weapons" per legal language) easily hidden on their person and disposed of in the feel good measure of a no questions asked gun "buy back".

Sadly, I think the name of this site is proper, it reflects the ignorance prevalent in the "black" community and culture. Sadly that ignorance could be easily remedied would we disassemble the culture of dependency and apathy indoctrinated in society by the government schools. Oh what value is an education when the government will constantly bail you out after you have squandered such a great opportunity. How can education and work be held up as a value when he "safety net" is held higher and growing larger every day?

As I've said for years, as others have said, even the black voice of Bill Cosby dared speak it, you are merely addressing the symptoms, NOT the disease that is infecting us. Every day you waste seeking to cure the symptoms you allow the disease to grow stronger.

I hardly need to point out the blatantly bigoted comments like "...because the wrong people had access to deadly firearms... " I suspect you, in your infinite wisdom, are aware that sentence could have come out of the mouth of a klansman, and that the irony is not lost on you. Correct?

Frankly Madison, I'm not sure what sex you are, nor do I care. I am a bit concerned that your intelligence rivals that of a young child. I fear that there may be some who think you are intelligent because of your ability to post such a pointless idiotic opinion.

Fits said...

As someone who has been fired upon many, many times, I take umbrage at this know-nothing nobody's idea of just how good a combat shot one might very well be.

The guys who shot AT me aren't around to respond to such nonsense, but I on the other hand...wait, lemme check...yep, still here.

Time to reevaluate your position, Mr. Gray or it'll be you in the crawlspace wondering just what went wrong, because I for one ain't saving your cowardly ass.

Anonymous said...

I believe writer Derrick Z. Jackson is black. His "What one has to believe to support gun control" is still a classic. He mentions paranoia. Several times, I think.
ONE PERCENT of gun owners use them in crimes of violence. At least three percent of Americans will go to the limit to defend the right to own them. What limit? Whatever is required. When a government demands your guns, nothing good follows. It's never been tried on a large enough scale here. Maybe they feel that now is the time.
Again, whatever. I've seen my children become independent and semi-successful, and my grandchildren get a good start. I've buried my parents and celebrated birthdays with my nieces and nephews. I've gotten the kind of job I hoped for. I can die content, as long as I take some authoritarians with me. OR I can live awhile yet as less than a human being. For me, it's no choice.

Brian K Miller said...

The really sad part is, Mr. Gray either will not read the comments responding to his essay or he will denigrate them without serious consideration.

Anonymous said...

4 pages of comments on the article, and every one of them pro-gun.

Thirdpower said...

"people who are understandably concerned about protecting their families should get behind legislation to get assault weapons off the street because there is no permanent security from sociopaths who has gotten hold of a high artillery arsenal."

Because we all know that worked in Chicago. Maybe we should get the sociopaths off the street. The problem is, when they try, people like Mr. Gray come out and cry 'discrimination' because an disproportional percentage arrested are minorities.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gray secretly wishes he had a vagina, as he supports total gun prohibition. Hey, it makes as much sense as that "substitute phallus" argument.

Mad Jack said...

I haven't been in a gun fight, nor do I have any wish to do so. I don't want anything like that for my friends and neighbors either. I'd much rather talk someone out of trying to harm or rob me than simply shoot them outright, even in the case of self-defense.


The pistol in my nightstand is loaded, and has been kept that way since I bought it many years ago. Once I pull it, I don't plan to wave it around and make speeches. I plan on shooting it.

This gun fearing man is in denial and is likely afraid of what he would do if he were armed. So, if he wants to prohibit firearms, let him begin and end with himself - he can easily control his own behavior.