Wednesday, August 16, 2017

With 'Progressives,' 'Home Rule' Means Your Home

The practice, known as preemption, has ranged from blocking cities in Texas from regulating trees on private land to forbidding others in Arizona from requiring that companies offer sick leave to employees. [More]
And don't forget keeping Marxists from creating Bill of Rights-free zones...

I thought all the signatories agreed to "supreme Law of the Land"...?

[Via Mack H]

The Look At Me, I'm On Your Side Act of 2017

Drafted for people living in states like New Jersey, the Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA) would prevent states from being able to ban any weapons that are legal under Federal Law. [More]
And if you put frog-marching governors on pay-per-view, you'd more than cover enforcement costs!

Looks pretty good, no?
1% chance of being enacted...
Looks like sound and fury to me.  Wake me up when they agree on the free unicorn amendment.

Give it time and Rep. Collins' stances on  unnecessary worker visas and amnesty enticements will make sure it never passes.

Why is it every time I see the words "staunch supporter of the Second Amendment" I check to make sure my wallet's still there?

[Via William T]

Let's Hear It for Famous Slave Owners!

Hey, I'm only trying to agree with a widely-praised "progressive" political leader... [More]

But I keep getting lost in the cognitive dissonance.

[Via Michael G]

Lorde Knows

So are we now free to blame "all black people," "all Muslims" or "all gays" for selected grievances? [More]

Ya! Ya! Ya!

These insulated narcissistic dilettantes are too thick to realize so many of them are lottery winners, and there are plenty of equally talented performers parking cars and waiting tables.

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Captivating Enough

A police chief from a small town in southeast Missouri is facing criminal charges for allegedly having sexual relations with a prison inmate when she was a correctional officer. [More]
So she made sure he was doing hard time...?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Missing Enough

Man points gun at St. Louis police, who shoot three times and miss [More]
I'm sure the bullets hit something.

[Via bondmen]

Ready or Not, Here It Comes

They are going to learn some harsh lessons over the next decade. [More]
We all are.

How ready are you?

Us vs. 'em

Isn't it curious, how Fox News is the only major national media outlet reporting on Politico's transcription correction? [More]

What's Good for the Goose

An Islamic organization founded in Washington, D.C., by the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas is entering the controversy over Confederate monuments, urging all state and local governments to remove any symbols of the Civil War South. [More]
So can we remove all symbols of oppression?

A New 'New Hope'

It’s been quite a year for Mad Max, who is darling of the “Resist Trump” crowd and one of the Democrats’ newest hopes. [More]
She's altered the terms of the deal. Pray she doesn't alter them further?

No, not at all. The more lunatic these creatures show themselves to be, the more anyone with a brain will be galvanized.

If they want to make this self control-challenged Marxist hag the face of the Democrat Party, let 'em keep digging deeper and alienating more.

Not to be Disagreeable, But...

And I've got to disagree with the idea that trolls are sadists. [More]
I dunno.  I see all kinds of sick authoritarian commonalities and types. Everything from abusive "Only Ones" to "progressives" acting on their fears by demanding the leash for others.

And not to get too far off track, but a years-old memory just popped into my head, from back when I was living in SoCal: I was at the pet store getting seed for the feral sons' parakeets or some such (they liked to fatten them up first) and a statuesque blonde was in line in front of me. This girl was seriously gorgeous, clad in black leather, spiked heels, and she was buying a large studded collar. I had to stifle laughing, because my first thought was "She ain't got no dog."

Media Spreads Fake News with VPC Silencer Disinformation

Calling a handful of isolated anecdotes woven into an attack piece a “study” is the first bit of deception. Presenting those anecdotes and VPC’s conclusion without even attempting to consult someone who might actually know what he’s talking about is a good indication that the “staff reporters” are flacks fraudulently promulgating agenda politics rather than investigating and reporting in a manner consistent with any semblance of ethics or respect for canons of journalism. [More]
That makes them disrespectful of their readers. They’re also lazy. The anecdotal bullet points NJToday lists are lifted word-for-word from the VPC presser.