Monday, January 22, 2018

A Solution in Search of a Problem

Hawaiian gun  owner rights dynamo George Pace shared the following questions he sent to Senate sponsors the "accelerated rate of fire modification" ban bill."

"I didn't want to get into whether they agreed that any and all modifications that might accelerate the rate of fire would be illegal (i.e. lubricating parts, etc.)... yet," he explains. "Honestly, I don't expect an answer, or if I do get one it will be along the lines of "public safety", same as ban handgun mags over 10 rounds even though no crime was ever committed with those either (where the criminal shot more than 10 rounds)... or stun guns, etc."

Here's what he asked:
As a sponsor of SB2046 could you please answer the following questions in a clear, unambiguous, unequivocal manner in order to clarify the background and necessity of your proposed bill?
1. How many total crimes have been committed in Hawaii, and in what years, involving firearms with any and all trigger modification devices?
2. How many total crimes have been committed in Hawaii, and in what years, involving firearms with a bump stock and/or bump fire devices?
3. How many total crimes have been committed in Hawaii, and in what years, involving firearms with trigger cranks?
4. How many total crimes have been committed in Hawaii, and in what years, involving firearms with any part, combination of parts, component, device, attachment, or accessory that is designed orfunctions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm?
5. How many total crimes have been committed in Hawaii, and in what years, involving firearms with any altered part that accelerated the rate of fire of that firearm?
6. Of those total firearms listed above in question 5, please specify the exact modification or alteration of each firearm used in those crimes with an accelerated rate of fire due to said modification or alteration.
Like he said, he's not holding his breath.

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