Friday, January 19, 2018

I Have to Say I'm Disappointed

I was hoping some idiot would show up in comments and try to ignore answering the questions and then straw man argue his way around my challenge. [More]

I do have a colleague who has been trying to get his state group -- one that is finding it increasingly difficult to cope with a growing electoral reality --   to get on board. They're still in denial, with some in "leadership" maintaining the answers is inclusiveness.

Like Europe?

And naturally, none of those objecting have even tried to address my challenge.

Another colleague told me some are pointing to individual examples of sterling supporters from the immigrant community.  That goes without saying.  When you show numbers that 75% are dead set against RKBA, that means up to 25% can be for it, albeit to what degree is unknown.

And as for outreach, by all means. Anybody see a comprehensive one, with the means and the reach to compete with media and the "education" system? Any clue as to how effective that competition will be? Isn't it a little late to be starting one, and who will control the message, the same "leaders" caving on bump stocks and "Fix NICS"?  Got realistic numbers for how long the turnaround will take, and what will happen to the legislatures and courts in the mean time?

You'd think if there were answers to any of these questions, Grover and Reason and Cato and Fairfax would be all over them.  The newest weak tea being brewed is that more immigrant children are culturally assimilating via language and lifestyles.

Yeah. Now look at the influences.  And they conveniently leave unmentioned how politically, the numbers are growing in the wrong direction. Just look at the protesting DREAMers.

And note many of influence,including "community leaders," argue for maintaining the old ways, that is, for Balkanization.

There is literally no defensible excuse any "gun rights leaders," either nationally or at the state level can offer to justify their silence on this. They are either  obtuse or compromised.  Neither kind is ultimately worth following.

1 comment:

  1. Too many in the RKBA community talk like Karl Rove.

    It's sad, really.


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