Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Self-Defense Menace

Right-to-carry laws lead to more violent crime: Isn’t that a huge surprise? [More]
It would be if it were true.

I note the study itself requires a fee to access -- I've applied for free access as a "journalist" and am awaiting their recognizing me as "legitimate." Done-- I'm in. Now I need to make time to read and understand it.

I'll be interested in seeing John Lott's take on this supposed proof of a "causal relationship." In the mean time, my approach will be to consider the source.


  1. Is it worth posting somewhere we mere mortals can access it as well, or just the usual obvious lying using statistics?

  2. It's copyrighted so I can't post it elsewhere. I'll look it over when I get some free time-- frankly, I'm looking for someone qualified like Lott to analyze for statistics and explain to those of us who don't speak Martian -- me, I'm going to see if there is something glaringly obvious that even I can pick up on, because otherwise, I'm out of my depth.

  3. So, if I read it right, right to carry laws make it easier for bad people to steal guns and use them against good people. And it is the good people's fault. So I'd be safer in England where I would not have a gun to steal nor have one to protect me from the bad guy's knife.

  4. I would also recommend Guy Smith of Sterling analyst.

  5. Just as I thought...

    "The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is an American private nonprofit research organization committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic research among public policymakers, business professionals, and the academic community."

    In other words, it's a sham organization.

  6. Josh Horwitz brought that study up yesterday during the subcommittee hearing discussed here:


    Andrew Goddard was also there.

  7. David,

    I came across this, Lott's response to an earlier Donohue 'study' if I can call it that:


    I've seen enough today to conclude Donohue is an ideologue, not a scientist or credible researcher.


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