Saturday, February 03, 2018

California’s Self-Reporting Gun Block Bill a Reflection of Wider Cultural Suicide

That’s a fair question, not that Bonta’s bill has a chance of accomplishing stated goals. Of course, it does not, and it goes far beyond just affecting the person who self-reports. [More]
Once more California is leading the way in self-terminating rights.


  1. Brings to mind comedian Bob Nelson's "football routine" where he says he suffers from "drain bamage".

  2. kerdasi amaq2/03/2018 4:16 PM

    Is it my imagination, but, does Mrs. Clinton look insane in that picture?

  3. If they're going to be consistent, like that's ever going to happen, all Californians who don't believe in an individual RKBA should line up and self-report, right?

    On the flip side, I'm pretty sure SCOTUS would rule against anyone having the legal ability to give up any of their civil rights. Imagine if you volunteered to be killed, or tried to sell yourself into slavery.

    Since Scalia wrote that the RKBA is a right just like any other, no one can volunteer to give their 2A rights up any more than they can volunteer to become a slave.


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