Tuesday, February 06, 2018

The Darling of the GOP Establishment

No doubt. [More]
“We are going to be supporting people who can actually win.” 
Win what?

Arizona gun owners -- don't do this to all of us.

You have another choice.

How many of you will actually lift a finger to help?

[Via Mack H]


  1. Arizona gun owners aren’t doing this. The state GOP — firmly in the iron clutch of Godfather McCain — is doing this. And let’s not forget Joe Arpaio’s macrocephalic ego, doubtless stoked by you know who ust for this reason.

    (A humorous note: A fellow running for US Representative in my district has campaign signs all around town that lead with “Endorsed by Joe Arpaio and Trent Franks.” Wow, two guys who were driven from power by very public scandals. Can a politician be more tone-deaf?)

  2. They have the power to organize and stop this.

  3. "Win what?"

    Exactly. The GOP idiots still think this is a game or a sport.

    It's civil war. Wake up.

  4. Kelli Ward is the only real choice.

    Martha can go run in Mexico for the DACA folks.

    GOP - going out peacefully...


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