Friday, February 16, 2018

With All Due Respect

Thoughts and prayers won’t stop these mass shootings ... With all due respect, save it. What these grieving parents and students need is for you to finally enact some common-sense gun control legislation... [More]
OK, virtue-oozing handwringers, what specifically would have made a difference at Stoneman? Or has the term "common sense" been hijacked by Opposite Day "progressives"?

I also see a viral meme coming from the totalitarian lobby and its useful idiots railing against prayer. If you had to think of one cultural figure opposed to that, who would it be?


  1. Stalin?
    Nancy "GottaPassItToReadIt"?

    Don't leave us in suspense! Who!?

  2. Here's a common-sense proposition: SHOOT BACK! Amend the law to repeal gun-free zones, as they demonstrably are not, and cannot be.


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