Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Looking for Gov. in All the Wrong Places

Roughly speaking, 1 out of every 3 African American males who die between the ages of 15 and 19 is killed by gun violence. [More]
And trying to disarm me will do what about that exactly?

I don't suppose you could state your case in the form of a syllogism, could you, Derrick?


  1. Nice bit of statistical hand-waving there.

    If you select a sufficiently narrowly-defined study population, you can get the outcome to say whatever you want.

    In this case, there are four criteria that each eliminate a significant part of the general populace:
    1. "African-American" (eliminates ~85%; ~15% left)
    2. "males" (eliminates ~50%)
    3. "between the ages of 15 and 19" (eliminates whoever is younger or older than that very precise range; looks to leave about 22%)
    4. "who died between the ages of 15 and 19" (overall mortality rate for this age, according to the CDC: 48.3/100k, or less than 0.05%)

    All together, this amounts to 0.000825% of the general population. The analysis cherry-picked this less-than-one-thousandth-of-one-percent from the general 99.999%.

    Even so, only 1 in 3 are "killed by gun violence".

    I could publish a study advocating anything I wanted this way. "1 in 5 white male teenage mass shooters who enjoy violent video games, own at least one violent video game." Ergo, video games are clearly something that need to be regulated and/or banned.


    How dare you interject rationality into what needs to be an emotional argument?

  3. "I have asserted the right of Negroes to meet the violence of the Ku Klux Klan by armed self-defense -- and have acted on it. It has always been an accepted right of Americans, as the history of our Western states proves, that where the law is unable, or unwilling, to enforce order, the citizens can, and must act in self-defense against lawless violence." -- Robert F. Williams, 'Negroes with Guns'

  4. Bill Mullins3/07/2018 9:15 PM

    In all the statistics about young black men being so likely to die from being shot, nowhere is the ethnicity of the shooters discussed. I would like to know. I suspect that the majority of the deaths are the result of black-on-black violence. Something which is also left out is what percentage of those deaths were related or incident to criminal activity.

    But details such as those hamper the narrative the gun grabbers want to present. Like David, I see no way in which disarming non blacks would have any effect other than enlarging the potential target pool.

    My response to those who would disarm me is this. As the defenders at Goliad put it "Come and take it!"

  5. Of course, the elephant in the room is the weasel phrase “died of gun violence.”

    “1 out of every 3 African American males who die between the ages of 15 and 19 is killed by being shot by another African American male between the ages of 15 and 19."

    There, fixed it for you, and identified the actual responsible agent, not the mere mechanism employed.


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