Wednesday, March 28, 2018

So Much for Arming Teachers to Protect Students

Investigators charged White with the deaths of Tatiyana Coates, 11, and her brother, Daveon Coates, 15. Police told Winne that the brother and sister were innocent victims of gang violence. [More]
Don't they give these people background checks or something?

And more importantly, what will Fairfax and the Republicans offer up this time?


  1. “Don’t they give these people background checks or something?"

    Acually, that would be a BENEFIT of the school system requiring them to get a state CCW. Imagine what they’d learn. No, this doesn’t hurt the movement to arm school staff, it strengthens it.

  2. Do not forcibly arm teachers. Many don't want to be armed, and, if some of the denizens I remember from my high school days HAD been armed, I'd have been terrified.

    So let's just do this:

    School boards that prohibit willing staff from obtaining certification and who deliberately continue to promote schools as "gun free zones" will be held personally liable should a mass incident like Stoneman be perpetrated due to their policies. As another person noted in another venue: If shootings like this happened at Walmart, liability claims would be astronomical and security would be ramped up post haste. Why should schools be different?

  3. Assuming that the phrase “do not forcibly arm teachers” was in response to my phrase “a benefit of the school system requiring them to get a state CCW,” I apologize for being unclear. I was implying, “…before they are allowed to carry a gun in their school,” not that they would require EVERY teacher to carry. I am not in favor of forcibly arming (or disarming) any free citizen.

    Though given the abject failure in background checking the subject of this article, perhaps the school system should put all their applicants all through the state’ CCW application process independent of any intention of arming any of them.


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