Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Did Everybody Catch the Latest from 'The Onion'?

Churches make a drastic pledge in the name of social justice: To stop calling the police [More]
Is there no end to the enthusiastic usefulness of shmoos?

[Via Mack H]


  1. hahahaha! I like the way they spoofed my browser to make the link look like a legit story on the Washington Post. [but of course no reliable paper would print such an outrageous pack of lies.]

  2. Perhaps their creed is ...

    When seconds count, God will provide.

  3. As someone who 'stays' in the inner-city, goes to an inner-city church, and daily carries a piece, I stopped calling the police. But not for those reasons mentioned in the article. Pre or post- Ferguson, the corruption is huge under one party rule. Let's face it, the cops suck around here. Unless somebody is bleeding or other trauma, I don't call anyone.

  4. Many of the churches that SURJ approached were not interested. “I had some hard conversations with pastors and members,” Dunlap said. “These were progressive congregations that had participated in our work in the past — hung Black Lives Matter banners and had them vandalized. They said, ‘We appreciate our relationship with the police. We don’t want to put that at risk.’”

    There is a point, beyond which even 'Progressive Pastors' won't go. And apparently it has nothing to do with morals and everything to do with making the PoPo unhappy with them.


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