Monday, May 21, 2018

All the Arguments Needed

On the one hand, we have a qualified and enthusiastic testimonial for reliability and ease of use. [Watch]

On the other hand we have those waiting to pounce, and to mandate such technology for the guns themselves.

There ought to be a place in a free market for those who perceive a use for such devices, and those providing them have every right to extol their virtues.

The issue here is how to keep the totalitarians from exploiting it. Then I think "New Jersey."

This will go on until the recognized right of the people to keep and bear  "ordinary military equipment ... in common use at the time" is secured.

[Via Andy M]


  1. Judge Dredd story was ahead of it's time.

    The "law-giver" was biometric locked....and only the Judges and criminals had guns.

    Guess that makes us all the 'wildlands' populace...wanting freedom and be left the hell alone.

  2. This is a solution searching for a problem. Anybody who thinks this is a safe response to the "lock up your safety" laws being threatened in Texas and other places needs to reflect on the ease at which the gun can still be removed from the premises and attacked elsewhere at the thief's leisure -- especially the "son got his dad's gun" type of spree shooting we've seen repeatedly. After all, angle grinders are only $14.99 (when not on sale for $9.99) at Harbor Freight.


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