Tuesday, May 22, 2018

An NRO 'Conservative'

Why the Royals matter, and why the U.S. needs its own [More]
If you think about it, that is "conservative." Just the kind whose views are welcomed at NBC's "Think."

National Review and symbols.

Need I say more?


  1. Of course he is a "conservative". This nation was founded by liberals. The conservatives fought for the king then ran away to Canada.

  2. America doesn't need a "figurehead;" it needs a honorable, well-intentioned father-figure type king. Imagine a man a true conservative, who was unafraid to speak the unpopular truth, an iconoclast, and one who wielded executive power for good like a sword. We could benefit from a honest king right now.

    Anyhow, the British could have that if the whole Windsor/Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family line hadn't been weak at the knees since the days of Victoria. I figure that Victoria's upbringing, her mother's power games, and her over-reliance on her PMs let Parliament and the 19th Century version of the globalists runaway with Britain. This "hands off" reign turned in today's ceremony thanks to her very long reign and a line of kings that didn't act quite like the kings of old. Then Elizabeth comes in, a rather reluctant queen, and goes almost totally hands-off, until the power of the crown is the power of the state with a live-action mascot. For want of a king, England was lost.

    Now imagine a man, raised for years to be a proper gentleman in the old English tradition, with a modern respect for human rights, Christian civilization, and a thirst for justice in power. A little bit King David and Churchill. What would England and the UK be like today if wise men had reigned?

  3. How far have the 'conservatives' fallen. What exactly would they 'conserve'?

  4. Hmmm. Popular figures who aren't 'polarizing' or 'political'.

    Unfortunately, Americans' tireless, insatiable lust for even the briefest flash of fame or recognition means that even Hollywood and professional sports stars, who used to provide some escape and leisure viewing, have become politicized and 'polarizing'. Hell, even indoctrinated high-school students are now prostituting themselves all over whatever network will air their childish, look-at-me tantrums. If we did have a 'royalty', it wouldn't last five minutes before stamping its foot messily in one political party's puddle or the other.

    Feckless, vacuous navel-gazers like the Kardashians (now themselves endangered by Kanye West) seem to be the best we can manage. Like the royals of Formerly-Great Britain, you can look to them for escape, I suppose, as America swirls the bowl slightly above.


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