Thursday, May 24, 2018

Another 'Win' for the Gipper

On this week’s episode of Did She Say That, Sonnie Johnson takes a look at when MS-13 could have been stopped and how Ronald Reagan’s amnesty allowed for the gang’s proliferation. [More]
Now,  for the "What Would Reagan Do" worshippers. The USA is also dead man walking today thanks to Reagan's suicidal 1986 "comprehensive reform" amnesty, the worst field tilter since the Great Society and New Deal (well, other than black box voting anyway). Reagan could've honored his oath, enforced our borders and immigration laws, reversed the problem as Eisenhower did in the 1950s. Instead, 26 years after Reagan's betrayal, we have to overcome tens of millions of votes of former illegals and now-voting-age anchor babies. 
But wait, as late TV pitchman Billy Mays used to say, there's more!

[Via Felix B]


  1. Reagan was to America what Heston was to the NRA: a professional spokesman, a mouthpiece for handlers, and one who sometimes misspoke when the “correct” answer wasn’t on a teleprompter for him, because he didn’t really understand from a core of principle what was or wasn’t correct. Heston definitively and publicly went negative on AK-47s before his handlers nixed him and tried unconvincingly to paper over his lapse. Reagan deregulated banks with respect to making riskier investments, which was worthwhile, but without removing the government entitlement for bailing out banks whose investments went south (total idiocy) with predictable results. Nobody actually does principle anymore. Principled men are purposely derided by opportunists as “ideologues,” just as noninterventionists are purposely derided by imperialists as “isolationists.”

  2. Yet another reason I say that if Reagan had been anymore to the left he would have been a RINO. Maybe I've been wrong all along and Reagan really was a RINO. :-(


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