Monday, May 21, 2018

Dumpsters for Disarmament

Former Porn Star Gives Up Her Gun In Virtue Signaling Stunt, Parrots Democratic Talking Points [More]
I look at that photo with the Austin Only One and expect sleazy music to cut in.

But she's not anti-2A. Honest.

That's why she "will be donating the gun’s value ($1,500) to the @Everytown organization."

Except that's not its value, she later admits.  Hey, it can be tough to keep stories straight.

Take her "manager" -- please!

Skunk Skank!

"I was with her when she bought that weapon," he insists. "We had it within 10 minutes of entering the store. No background check. Nothing about that experience was 'well regulated'."

"Store"? "No background check"?

"We bought it at a pawn shop. I never said it was a gun store," he counters. And then ducks everyone asking "Where?" before changing the subject and signing off.

Ah well. There are some who think she made absolutely  the right choice.

[Via Sam L]

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