Friday, May 04, 2018

Where is President Trump as Some States Reduce RKBA to Sub-Foreign Levels?

There are some so vested in having faith in the man that anything seeming like a betrayal of campaign promises to some is explained away by others as “genius three dimensional chess” that we lesser mortals just don’t understand. There’s a bizarre “Emperor’s New Clothes” disincentive going on, pressuring critics to stifle themselves or be lumped in with turncoats. [More]
I don't suppose enforcing the Second Amendment is in anybody's plans?


  1. Pretty words......

    I particularly liked “I will never, ever infringe on the second amendment. Never, ever...never”

    I liked that he correctly articulated the basis of our rights and I liked the story of Captain Preston.

    I think he did lay out a standard by which he will be judged.

  2. Trump is rapidly becoming a politician.

    Republicans desperately need votes for the mid-terms.

    Trump desperately needs a Republican majority to be anything other than a completely "lame duck" for the next two years.

    Any lie will do to gull support.

    Ma Duce

  3. We have already lived through Trump reneging on a number of his campaign promises, so this is not surprising. I don't regret having helped elect him instead of Clinton, but I've lost the hope I started to feel when he was campaigning and then elected.

  4. "I will never, ever infringe on the Second Amendment."

    But will he stand in the way of others who would?

    Or will he step aside and wash his hands of us as so many others have?

  5. But, Mr Trump...what will you do to stop our renegade chief executive and his BATFE thugs when they attempt to overturn established regulations based on law and replace them with confiscatory regs in contradiction of law?


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