Friday, June 29, 2018

Channeling Roseanne

Right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos recently told at least two news outlets that he wanted vigilantes to start shooting journalists, but he insisted Thursday that he did so to taunt reporters. [More]
I don't see how anyone will ever hire him to do what he does in today's climate of economic exile.

Even though "authorized journalists" trivialize and ridicule when such sentiment directed against those they oppose is not a joke.

And even if what he was joking about were, in real life, what Vanderboegh called "Bill Clinton's Rules of Engagement."

[Via Steve T]


  1. Journalists want to be shot - it's their ultimate sacrifice for totalitarianism; they die heroes for Marxism. That's why they refuse to be armed under the Second Amendment, and insist upon their collective, defenseless death. Good-bye! Miss you not in the slightest! I'd call them freeloaders, if they weren't so bent on destroying this nation by their self-destruction.
    Anyway, it's Friday Night! So let's have a little fun! Likely I've posted this before, but as T. S. Eliot once said, "Important things are worth repeating." So let's repeat, "Monarch of the Sea". Makes me laugh! And as I've noted before, the line, "If you want to get elected scratch a bigot's itch", unfortunately these days, the bigotry is against gun owners, but enjoy; it's a rollicking pleasure:

  2. Curiously, the four line ad lib you cite was never penned by G&S, but is the actor’s personal swipe at a local anti-immigration politician.


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