Tuesday, August 07, 2018

The Definition of Insanity

“If we knew what to do today or this week (to reduce the gun violence), we would have been doing it last week or yesterday,” James said. “How do you control indiscriminate acts of violence in places where you don’t know they’re going to happen?” [More]
Not so Sly, eh? You admit you don't know what the hell you're doing but you're still bent on abridging the rights of the people who aren't causing the problems?

What is it they say about doing something that doesn't work over and over again?

Oh, and point of order -- based on results, some of us do know what to do.

[Via bondmen]


  1. A few things you can count on:

    1. The shooters are not Eagle Scouts.
    2. The shooters are not from The Sisters of Mercy.
    3. The shooters are not NRA members.
    4. The shooters are already well known to the "criminal justice system." My son has only been a Deputy Sheriff for two years yet he already knows his "frequent flyers" on a first name basis.

    Here's what the clueless authorities can do to get control of their city.

    1. Get a list of repeat violent felons from the courts.
    2. Pick them up.
    3. Lock them up.

    Whew! That was hard!

  2. This makes far too much sense Anonymous. Aren't those in power in Democrat controlled big cities more interested in social justice and righting past wrongs? And the "justice" system has become an industry in these dark places, controlled and ruled by lawyers who are paid to shuffle people and papers. The squeaking revolving door gets the grease! On the street off the street and back on... When will their voters awaken to this abomination and make real changes for the good of all who live there?

    Oh and how grateful we are for those who serve as intercessors and arrestors in these difficult places; if it weren't for them it would be up to us individually.

  3. I’m assuming the “sarc” flag is on, there. If it were up to us individually, these people would actually be getting REMOVED from the gene pool, instead of being recirculated by the “system."


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