Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Well That's a Relief

Though the Brady Center to Combat Gun Violence, a group known for its support for gun control, is backing the campaign, the campaign itself does not appear to push a legislative agenda in its ad or on its official website, which should come as a relief to gun owners and Second Amendment supporters. [More]
Of course it pushes an agenda. And a "pro-gun" site is helping them "legitimize" their claim of being "commonsense gun safety advocates" with that kind of characterization.

They really don't know what the billionaire-funded Astroturfers continuously use "PSAs" for, and how fake they are? They don't see the talking points and the manipulation? They don't know that "kids" include gangbangers that are tried as adults? They don't instantly recognize the goal here? Really?

You don't invite a vampire to cross the threshold. The people behind the "campaign" want you disarmed. By force. They have since Day One.

And once you are, they'll want more and there won't be a goddamn thing you can do about it.

They are the enemy.

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