Friday, September 28, 2018

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term 'Pro-Gun Democrat' Is

With the exceptions of perhaps Joe Manchin, Jon Tester, and Heidi Heitkamp, pro-gun Blue Dog Democrats are all but extinct.  [More]
I agree with the overall thesis that guns are the bigger objective. I just wish those advancing it would realize a fundamental truth.

[Via Mack H]


  1. Tester would endorse a gun ban in a second if he thought he could get away with it.

  2. Ds are Ds first and will always go with the party bosses.

    Doesn't matter if they've posed with a shotgun or a pistol, they will move to take yours at every opportunity. After all it's just 'common sense'.

    What happened to that 'pro gun' guy, what was his name, Cotton or something?

    And always know that when the votes are tallied in advance of bringing a measure to the floor some members will get permission to vote 'pro-gun' or 'anti whatever restriction is afoot' so as to look good back home and keep the seat. The bosses already have passage in the bag.

    Can you spell 'Manchin' ?

    And ask the presumptive winner of TX CD 2, yeah, the R, what he thinks about UNIVERSAL B/G CHECKS? Might surprise you. Of course he's less worse than the other one.

    We will not vote our way out of the hole we are in.


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