Monday, September 10, 2018

Play Baal

Abortion icon Barack Obama, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, March 29, 2008: “If my daughters make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.” [More]
Hey, who doesn't know how babies are made? A mistake is when you forget to carry the "2." A baby is not a punishment, but it is the one being punished.

Even though I find this a compelling essay, I hesitated posting this because I couldn't find a source for that quote that didn't look like it was just being repeated by relatively obscure websites without being validated. Then I saw:

I'm also a bit concerned that Obama's back is to the camera for much of the video. His voice does sound spot on, better than the ones here, but forgive me for being leery knowing such things are being made.

If anyone can prove my concerns unfounded, please inform us all in comments.

1 comment:

  1. In the 60's I could sorta understand Roe vs Wade. Sex was dangerous and carried serious repercussions. (baby being one) There were no good ways to stop it. Now we have numerous ways of preventing a pregnancy. Short of rape or incest there is no reason why a baby should be made. If you have unprotected sex and conceive, you have a very short time to fix YOUR mistake. There is a time between a clump of cells and a baby, I am not nor is any one else (short of God) able to define what that time is. Be quick. Don't wait 6 months.
    If you don't want a baby, don't make a baby. Abortion is murder in my book.


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