Thursday, September 20, 2018

Random Thoughts in 3D

As the Cody Wilson story continues to unfold, some additional thoughts are in order because it's human nature to want to understand developments that affect us.  Since the guy achieved deserved celebrity status for his contributions to RKBA, what's happening now tangentially affects all of us.

On a personal note, I have always found prostitution to be demeaning to both parties. But don't think it should be a crime between adults. Still, it's tough to face that people we admire for their achievements might have feet of clay in other matters.

They still don't have hard evidence -- no pun intended -- besides her word against his that he actually had sex with her, but I believe it's pretty obvious he had means, motive and opportunity. That is one screwed up (literally and figuratively) girl, and I put a lot of that on hypocritical "progressive" sexualization of the young via media, what is taught in schools, and the calculated sabotage of the institution of marriage. 

I still smell set-up, but he's the one that apparently took the bait. He's got to be feeling like a trapped animal at this point. I wonder if he is thinking of holding out because there is no extradition treaty with Taiwan.

People who are prominent in the movement have a special obligation to not lead dark double lives because it reflects on everyone that supported their efforts. 


  1. I will stand strong behind, Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed, Ghost Gunner, the Second Amendment Foundation and the battles WE as a nation face in these matters! Semper Fidelis.

  2. Look at what they're doing to Brett Kavanaugh. When even the New York Times and Washington Post gagged at the idea of turning the Senate into a Star Chamber and forcing him to defend himself against anonymous accusations, Christine Ford has, with visible great reluctance, come forward to wag a palsied finger, and claim that she clearly recalls that he forcibly touched her boobies at a party in high school--she can't recall where it took place, or what the date was, or what the year was, the witnesses she claimed were present all deny her story, and her psychotherapist was only able to dig up this "repressed memory" just in time for Kavanaugh's confirmation--what were the odds, eh?--but she's certain that he took Indecent Liberties with her pure-as-the-virgin-snow teenage boobies, and Justice Must Be Done. And I'm sure she will cry into the cameras on cue.

    Leaving aside what the cops would say to anyone who came to them with such a tale and demanded an investigation, leaving aside that by all reports this woman was the town bicycle and that Mr. Kavanaugh may have been the only postpubescent vertebrate in town who didn't have consensual sex with her in high school, in 2012, when Mitt Romney briefly pulled ahead of the Kenyan in polling, she went to the same person (((Feinstein))) and told an identical story about Neal Gorsuch, who she feared might be nominated to the Supreme Court if Mittens won the election. What are the odds here? Amazing, isn't it? Has there been another coincidence of this magnitude since the Big Bang? Will anyone with an R beside his name in the Senate, I wonder, grow a set of gonads and tell this obviously mentally ill woman--normal people don't see "therapists"--to shut her trap and go away, and cease this transparent attempt at obstructing the legislative process? I have my doubts.

    As for Mr. Wilson, once upon a time, before we completely abandoned the Constitution in this country, someone would have asked whether he knew the young woman was underage, or whether a reasonable person would have guessed she might be under the age of consent in his local jurisdiction. No one is suggesting that the activities were anything but consensual. Without mens rea there is no case. At least there's not supposed to be. "No reasonable prosecutor would take the case," and all that. Right?

    It's not as though the Democrats can accuse anyone else of sexual misbehavior with a straight face. Harvey Milk, flamboyant San Francisco mayor from the 1970s, diddled dozens of little boys. Portland, Oregon has had multiple pedophile mayors, all Democrats. They are the party of rapists and every kind of loathsome pervert and sexual deviant, and that they make such accusations against anyone else is enough to cause hollow laughter in Hell.


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