Tuesday, September 18, 2018

'Settled Science'

‘No evidence’ high levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol cause heart disease, doctors claim [More]
It does make one think of edicts enacted and behaviors controlled because we've been assured that doom awaits if we ignore those being represented as the "experts."


  1. 1950. Salt causes hypertension.
    1960. Salt does not cause hypertension.
    1970. Salt causes hypertension.
    1980. Salt relieves hypertension.
    1998. The AMA Journal concludes that "salt does not affect
    hypertension in any way."

  2. Cigar smoking was just deemed to be irrelevant to causing cancer, from the CDC recently. Have to search for the source but I think I heard it on AAR Walters show

  3. From 2016: "FDA Study: Cancer risks nearly nil for 1-2 cigars per day."

    I dunno-- everything can be dangerous ... Then again I've read the most dangerous carcinogen in tobacco is radon absorbed from the soil, meaning concentrations will vary by geography.

    Ain't none of us gettin' out alive regardless.

  4. I tell the health nuts around me that someday in the future they going to feel very foolish while lying in a hospital dying of nothing. They don't get the joke.


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