Thursday, September 20, 2018

Words of Truth

I'm not the expert in pretty much anything. [More]
Neither are the other celebrity "survivors."

It would be nice if someone with the capability could reach out and see if he is receptive to becoming, if not an expert, at least informed.


  1. I doubt it. He's leaving because he can't take the heat, but he's counting on the other at March for Our Lies to "carry on."

  2. Bear said it, and he's not the only one who caught that.

    Kasky specifically said that if he didn't think the others in the March could carry on without him, he wouldn't have left. But he did, because he believes they can.

    He's not disavowing their cause OR admitting it's all based on lies.

    As much as I'd like to accept his "Come to Jesus" moment and the experience of meeting and speaking with gun owners across the nation, the totality of his statement belies itself.

  3. “I still know I’m right, I just realized I’m unable to defend any of my positions logically to other people, so I must be deficient compared to my colleagues.”

    This guy can’t even fail in the right direction. He’s a failure at failing.


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