Triple J is located at 8152 Southpark Ln. As it happens, Red Rocks Credit Union has a branch at 8195 Southpark Ln. (see link at: Banks, credit unions, check cashing companies, etc. have a nasty habit of being robbed at gunpoint, which, presumably, would endanger the kiddies even more than a shooting range. I suggest that they forcibly remove the credit union as well if "child safety" is truly their concern. Why keep such an attractive nuisance where it can menace the tots?
Triple J is located at 8152 Southpark Ln. As it happens, Red Rocks Credit Union has a branch at 8195 Southpark Ln. (see link at: Banks, credit unions, check cashing companies, etc. have a nasty habit of being robbed at gunpoint, which, presumably, would endanger the kiddies even more than a shooting range. I suggest that they forcibly remove the credit union as well if "child safety" is truly their concern. Why keep such an attractive nuisance where it can menace the tots?