Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Importance of Being Ernst

Ernst also disagreed with the president on wanting to close the border, saying: "We would prefer that we keep it open." [More]
So in other words, do nothing but offer platitudes.

How very "moderate."

[Via Mack H]

1 comment:

  1. I keep hearing how we are a "Rich Nation" and should be able to help our poorer brethren. To which I reply: We are only a "Rich Nation" to the extent that the Government steals from its citizens to inflate its own coffers.

    I have no issue with letting illegals in SO LONG AS those touting the influx are the ones who directly pay, rather than thieving my tax dollars to assuage whatever guilt they may have. You want to bring in an illegal family? Go right ahead. Put them up in YOUR house, in YOUR spare bedroom. YOU pay their expenses; clothing, shelter, medical bills, etc. until they take up ESL classes and become proficient enough in language and other skills to make it on their own. Oh yeah - almost forgot: YOU are responsible for them. Any criminal activities perpetrated while they are under your roof, any restitution to those suffering from communicable diseases brought in by your new best friends, etc. accrue to YOU as well as them, since YOU insisted on bringing these fine folks to this side of the border.

    Failing that, have a big steaming cup of STFU and leave me and my hard-earned money alone.


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