Saturday, December 15, 2018

Have a Contemplative #BillOfRightsDay

I presume everyone knows what today signifies.

Today I've set time aside for family, enjoying the Blessings of Liberty and a few chores, so here's a piece from a couple years back I hope you find relevant.

UPDATE-- from our good friends the unAmerican oligarchs at Facebook:

UPDATE: Looks like they have been persuaded to reconsider. Now to figure out why it happened, or as I suspect, who complained to make it happen.


  1. Ah yes. The day when private men told public men "From now on, your daily violations of dozens of our God-given Rights is official and in writing, so you can't say you didn't know." Too bad it was just a paper tiger, which would need to be replaced by real tigers, with real teeth, 227 years later.

  2. robert orians6/06/2020 1:10 PM

    I think it is time for a " Go Fund Me " for Mikes' widow . I could throw in some loose bucks and never feel it . Calling Patriot Nerd !


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