Friday, December 14, 2018

He Says That Like It's a Good Thing

They could give Trump the $5 billion he is asking for to begin construction of the wall, in exchange for a path to citizenship for the nearly 2 million "dreamers" -- illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children through no fault of their own...Then, when Democrats take the majority next year, they could offer him the remaining $15 billion to $20 billion he needs to finish the wall, in exchange for legal status for the other 11 million people here in the country illegally. The wall could buy legal status for every illegal immigrant living in the shadows -- a longtime Democratic priority. *
And why do you think that is a Democrat priority, Marc Thiessen?

* FoxNews does not allow hot link access from Blogger. To read, go to


  1. And we could get Lucy to hold the football.

    Those are almost word for word the promises made by Congress to the American people in order to get the "one time amnesty" included in the Simpson - Mazzoli "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986".

    Fool me once, shame on you.

    Fool me twice, shame on me!


  2. We lost our constitutional republic a while ago.

    The normal democratic system of governance has broken down, so that the desires of the people are ignored, while the ruling class wields the state as a weapon against the people.

    If history is any indication of things to come, it won't end well...for anyone.

    Time is running out on the current window for stocking the pantry and ammunition.

    The fourth turning is upon us, so begins the season of pain. The millennial generation born with connected devices in their hands will most likely endure the worst as it is the only world they know.

  3. I'd say this belongs here:

    The commie demonrats do NOT believe in compromise. They believe in he old commie aphorism "What's mine is mine, what's YOURS is negotiable". They have no intention Of ever allowing any means ending illegal invaders from entering the US to succeed. If they agree to funding for the wall in exchange for citizenship for illegals they will INSIST on citizenship being granted first and then welshing on the deal and blocking funding. They CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED to do anything but harm America. on This is CNN

    Dan at 12:00 PM

  4. Interesting factoid: Those in Mexico wishing to LEGALLY seek asylum to the US have a choice of visiting our Embassy or any of the NINE consulates that we maintain in that country. There is NO legitimate reason to cross the boarder illegally to seek asylum. Source here:

    But I'm preaching to the choir.


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