Tuesday, April 03, 2018

CA Law & YouTube Policy Ensured Law-Abiding Employees are Unarmed

“We are committed to a violence-free work environment, and we will not tolerate any level of violence or the threat of violence in the workplace. Under no circumstances should anyone bring a weapon to work. If you become aware of a violation of this policy, you should report it to Human Resources immediately. In case of potential violence, contact Google Security.” [More]
Of course that "committment" means we can't stop any of it but we will do our part to make sure you can't either.

Exclusive: The Insecurity of an Unfree State

Per the Miller Court, “the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear … ordinary military equipment … that … could contribute to the common defense.” It’s beyond curious that the monopoly of violence zealots behind the semi-automatic bans justify them by screaming they are “weapons of war.” [More]
It really is about freedom and security, you know...

Never Enough

Another anti-gun ballot measure has been filed. As you can see, in this case one of the chief petitioners is not even an Oregon resident. [More]
The gist of it, near as I can tell trying to make sense of such things, is they want to make sure pitchfork murderers don't encounter any pesky resistance...


With  the understanding that when I say "Fudd" it's not an indictment of all hunters and sport shooters, but rather only of those willing to throw the rest of us under the bus, I gotta say, I have more contempt for old fools like "Gunner" who "think" this is ultimately about "bump stocks" than I do for flat-out pink pussy hat-wearing, dildo-waving hoplophobettes. [More]


Starting with my AmmoLand piece, we saw that public comments on the government's "bump stock" ban proposal weren't working. We then saw the buck "expertly" passed by unaccountable bureaucrats eager to get a jump on their Easter weekend. Subsequently we saw government admit it screwed up and give assurances the problem was fixed.

My worry was that comments submitted before the problem was discovered might be lost, and while some have still not seen theirs appear, mine submitted on March 29 finally made it -- albeit showing an April 2 submission date.

Still unacknowledged -- how many who tried to comment have been discouraged by the "comments closed" message and have not been back to make their views known?  My reach is small, and aside from me 'n Bear, I haven't seen any news outlets reporting on this -- or national gun groups, for that matter. What the hell's the deal with that?

So how would those who tried and were rebuffed before submiting their thoughts even know things were back up so they could try again? in a very real sense, they have been disenfranchised and denied their lawful right to influence rules they will be required to live under.

What does "our" government intend to do to make things right with them, to make sure this doesn't happen again, and to hold individual employees responsible for this unacceptable "screw up" accountable?

The Stupid, It Burns

You have to get past a minute-and-a-half of commercial and intro stuff before getting to the interviews, but the opinionated know-nothings don't disappoint if you're up for some forehead-slapping. [Watch]

I particularly liked this exchange:
Q: Who should control the guns?A: The government.Q: Do you trust the government?A: No...
[Via Jeet]


The truth about it is, after spending time taking their damn poll they won't let you submit it without making a contribution. [More]

[Via Dave Licht]

If I Can't Mess You Up, No One Will!

Ah yes, love is always beautiful. Until hitting a bipolar low. [More]

WarOnGuns Correspondent Mack H notes a consistent "progressive" (Ha!) would demand ERPOs to remove cars.


“This doctrine, invented by the Court out of whole cloth, immunizes public officials even when they commit legal misconduct unless they violated ‘clearly established law.’ That standard is incredibly difficult for civil rights plaintiffs to overcome because the courts have required not just a clear legal rule, but a prior case on the books with functionally identical facts.” [More]
Sorry, but no recourse for you. Like it says in the Preamble, "Precedent über alles!"

What did Mr. Kennedy have to say about that...?

[Via Mack H]

Ducey IS the Disaster

We are hearing that there is a strong possibility that “Ducey’s Disaster” could be introduced in the Legislature this coming week. Though most of us have not yet seen the actual language of his so-called “School Safety” proposal, his public press release contained more than enough to be concerned about. Everything from court ordered firearms confiscations (and involuntary mental evaluations) that would disarm you based on the feelings of friends or family that you “could” be dangerous, down to proposals that would make parents felons for the unlawful actions of their children. [More]
Honest-- I didn't set out to make this a theme for today.  I just can't stop from running into it.

[Via Felix B]

What's a Little Polar Shift Among Friends?

“I don’t know how I can responsibly look at those young people and not say ‘We need to do something,’ ” Warner said... [More]
Yes, something must be done!

Say, gang, I've got a swell idea. Let's eradicate the Second Amendment!

You know, that issue I used to get an "A" rating on until I no longer needed it...

Happens quite a bit, don't you think...?  Probably because I just don't understand three-dimensional chess.

Or betrayal...

[Via Jess]

Carrying On Her Husband's Legacy

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) used an April 2 Fox News Live appearance to announce that she is preparing to introduce legislation to create a federal law allowing firearm confiscation orders. [More]
And why not? Her "pro-gun Democrat" NRA Board member husband voted for the Clinton gun ban.  Everybody knows he was the guy Wayne stole "jackbooted thugs" from, right?

And Debbie's got a partner in crime:
During live broadcast Dingell said, “Rep. Fred Upton (R) and I are looking at introducing … legislation … at the national level.”
That would be this Fred Upton:

Gee, it's almost like we're being bare-ass naked in the town square conned or something...

[Via Wynn A

Deliberate Indifference or Just Flat-Out Treason?

44 Dems, Including Wasserman Schultz, Exempted Pakistani IT Aides From Background Checks [More]

Good thing they weren't Americans trying to exercise a right!

[Via William T]

You Want Them on That Wall

[Click to enlarge]
Here's the website.

The Gungrabby Gabby oath-breakers are the types who get the press. It's important to recognize there are still plenty of natural allies, friends and relatives who are motivated by higher ideals.

[Via George Gramlich]

They Will Eat You Last

FACE is very concerned about the amendments voted and accepted by the Polish Senate to the hunting law in Poland as they would literally kill longstanding Polish hunting traditions, culture and methods. [More]
You got that, Fuddskis?

Once the right has been successfully suppressed, going after sport is easy.

What, you thought you had an understanding...?

[Via Felix B]

And Now You Know!

My guess would be not a one of them has changed their politics and if you asked them now they'd rattle off narrative talking points and complain about being tricked.

[Via Felix B]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Helped' Is

Liberals Have Only Helped [Ensured] Blacks Fail [More]
This blast from the past has never been more relevant. That's why it will continue to be ignored by everyone but the people the victims have been conditioned to blame.

[Via James Simpson]

It's Not Mutually Exclusive

Hogg isn’t the bully here. His powerful adult allies are. [More]
Just because they are doesn't mean he isn't, too.

[Via Michael G]

Those Who Cannot Remember the Past

Is this substantial enough for you?

You're backing the wrong #NeverAgain, bagel brain.


Not Too Swift

Taylor Swift is putting her money and words behind the March for Our Lives. [More]
It's easy when you've got an "entire entourage."

Losing an idiot "fan" or two won't even register on the bottom line.

'The Gun Went Off'

“It ain’t got no clip, bud”... [More]
Unclear on the concept, are we?

Ol' Cassandra sure put a Damper on Devyn's Easter plans. Still, attempting to wipe residue off her hands is understandable.

After all, it's clearly NRA's (and racism's) fault.

Feeling Right at Home

A RAT is caught on camera hiding among hamburger buns on a supermarket shelf in Texas [More]
As if we needed any other reason not to shop at Kroger.

If That's the Only Criteria, a Lot of Things Would 'Work'

Even gun rights advocates, who are afraid of government abuse, say it appears to be working...“We’ve seen the downside of people who are distraught or crazy taking out their problems on the general public,” said Dave Workman of the Bellevue, Wash.-based Second Amendment Foundation. “We don’t want that to happen here.” [More]
No, of course we don't.  But this makes it sound like ERPOs are an acceptable  solution.

And I had to use the Free Republic link due to Faux News denying access to Blogger.  I don't get it, but they're the ones turning away traffic.

Biden as Wrong on Second Amendment as He Is on Self-Defense

The question now is, are we to believe Joe Biden isn’t aware of these, in which case he’s incompetent and unqualified to comment, or should we assume that he's fully aware and says what he says anyway, in which case he’s a liar? That’s a tough one to call (and they're not mutually exclusive), although looking at two previous times he’s presumed authority on self-defense tactics suggests he really is that ignorant. Perhaps cluelessness is something those behind putting Biden in positions of power can count on for reasons of their own. [More]
Liar? Dolt? Tool?  Why not all three?