Wednesday, June 13, 2018

WeCan.Vote Another Astroturf Attempt by Anti-Gun Advertising Pros to Manipulate Public Opinion

And we’ve seen the “pros” at work, from McCann New York featuring children having a sex toy battle, to Saatchi & Saatchi rewriting history with the Founding Fathers adding an “as long as people aren’t being dumb-asses” qualifier  to the Second Amendment, to Grey doing “hidden camera interviews” for a “public service announcement, and leaving unmentioned that the supposed subjects having their minds changed on guns were identified on filming permit as “actors.” [More]
But hey, since when have advertisers ever deceptively manipulated public opinion?

We Don't Cotton to Your Kind Around Here

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools has reassigned the Collinswood Language Academy principal whose unscripted pro-gun remarks at a student-led "walkout" left some people baffled and others irate. [More]
The Keeper explains.

The Nazgûl Speak

Oregon Courts Support Gun Confiscators [More]
The master they serve will be sending out his orcs.

A National Die-In

As opposed to the national die-off these useful idiots would bring about... [More]

Teen Vogue:  Shouldn't they be teaching children about anal sex or something?

[Via Mack H]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

"I only have myself to blame for this." [More]
If you're happy and you know it clank your chains.

The subject is totally Stockholm-Syndromed out. Reminds me of the end of "1984"...

I can feel no sympathy for him.

[Via Michael G]

What's In a Name?

"Urban Assembly School for Wildlife Conservation" ...? [More]

[Via Michael G]

The Definition of Insanity

Governor signs 6 gun control measures in New Jersey [More]
None of which will make a damn bit of difference as far as the reasons "justifying" them go...

[Via Bluesgal]

THEY'RE Frustrated?

Frustrated American Medical Association adopts sweeping policies aimed at gun violence [More]
Once more Big Boy media plays catch-up and misses the most important points.

[Via Roger J]

Editorial Comment

It's a small victory for guns rights groups [More]
How so?

I'd think "[a] judge blocking a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in the small town of Deerfield, Illinois, less than 24 hours before it was meant to go into effect" is something that shouldn't be minimized without cause, especially noting a BloomBorg priority of attacking preemption.

Admittedly, a TRO isn't a huge deal, but it's not insignificant either, the point being there was no need to characterize it either way. If you're going to make that assertion a subhead for what is being presented as "straight news," don't you think you ought to substantiate it? Or just admit you're biased, agenda-driven apparatchiks, which any gun owner familiar with "Vice News" already knows?

Speaking of hyperbole, I see our friends at Fairfax are claiming credit and leaving unacknowledged another national player that assumed a major role bearing the burden.

Again and
again and
again and
again and
again and

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Overhearing Enough

Why were private attorney-client calls recorded? Now, Kansas inmates could go free [More]
Hey, if they're not doing anything wrong...

Besides, why should inmates have more freedoms than the rest of us?

[Via bondmen]

Good Question

I ask you what are you going to do to protect me and my classmates... [More]
It sounds like ultimately, they're relying on calling the "Only Ones."

It's not like anyone has a duty to do anything else.

[Via bondmen]

A Nevada Republican

Pimp Dennis Hof, the owner of half a dozen legal brothels in Nevada and star of the HBO adult reality series "Cathouse," won a Republican primary for the state Legislature on Tuesday, ousting a three-term lawmaker. [More]
The whoremonger behind Hookers for Hillary...?

Curious, the way those #MeToo allegations have gone nowhere with local authorities...

Rocky Road

There’s a layer of 300 million-year-old rock under Interstate 95 that’s capable of killing the lights from Washington to Boston and beyond the next time the sun erupts in all its fury. [More]
"Blue" territory, with all those "commonsense gun safety laws"...?

I sure wouldn't want to be there if the lights went out for an extended period.