Tuesday, September 25, 2018

We're the Only Ones Fraternal Enough

Police Cmdr. Jon Burge, whose name became synonymous with torture, a web of tainted court convictions and more than $100 million in settlements with wrongfully convicted defendants who lost decades of their lives in jail, has died in Florida at 70, according to the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police. [More]
The disgusting apologia for that by Former FOP President Dean Angelo reminds me how much I loathe that organization, and why.

So Much for 'If It Saves One Life'

Fearful that the Right-to-Carry was getting too much good publicity in the wake of an Illinois concealed carry permit holder’s heroic actions, the Sun-Times editorial board felt it necessary to lecture its readers, “One brave rescue of a Cicero cop doesn’t justify concealed guns.” [More]
Who says we have to justify anything -- especially our rights -- to Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist domestic enemies and useful idiots?

And There Is That

“I support the right, not the practice.” [More]
Pretty much. Speaking for myself.

Let the angry rebuttals commence.

Over there, please.

[Via DUF-Digest]

Meet the New Boss

Not the same as the old boss. [More]

She certainly has had an interesting career path, what little we can see of it. I have no idea what this means in terms of continued company viability.

And she certainly hangs with a ...uh... unique group or people.  Being a barbaric "There once was a man from Nantuckett" kind of appreciator of her art form, I have to defer to a more qualified analysis:

[Via DDS]

An Authority Unto Himself

Once again, Lankford leaves us with the question, how did he get his data? [More]
Since when do "progressives" need to prove their claims?

[Via Jess]

Sister Act

Smith & Wesson loses fight with nuns and other shareholders on gun safety proposal [More]
The commununs are just figureheads. These are the "capitalists" selling the rope.

[Via Bluesgal]

We're the Only Ones Postponed Enough

The decision to drop the charges was made after a judge denied a motion asking for more time to gather records. A circuit attorney’s office spokeswoman says the cases will be refiled. [More]
It's about time.

Past, present and future.

Also falsified, delayed and to be served.

[Via bondmen]

Urban Legends

Among big U.S. cities, Baltimore was followed by Detroit, which recorded a homicide rate of 40 per 100,000 people; Memphis, Tennessee, with a rate of 28 per 100,000 and Chicago, with a rate of 24 per 100,000. But some smaller cities reported higher homicide rates. St. Louis has a population of slightly over 300,000 and registered a homicide rate of 66 per 100,000. [More]
Kind'a makes you wish the whole country would go Democrat.

[Via bondmen]

JoJo Krako Gun Control

Tammy Baldwin: Middleton shooting shows need for gun restrictions 'consistent with the Second Amendment' [More]
Who's infringin'? We're restrictin'.

Besides, nobody needs them fancy heaters.

Bear has more.

Rotten Fruit from a Rotten Tree

George Soros’s Son Pours Nearly $3 Million Into Democratic Coffers for Midterms [More]
Curious, how the Orwellian Opposite Day "progressives" rail against "the One Percent"...

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Telling Enough

Blacksburg Police Department Detective Brian Wilson’s testimony centered on an observation he made while surveilling Zhao. While dressed in plain clothes, he watched Zhao and Zhao’s friend shoot an AR-15 at a gun range. He said he was certain that Zhao had a 30-round magazine. [More]
Stupid "law."

Contemptible "Only One." Imagine going out of your way to destroy another human being's life over this.

I know it's a common surname, but anybody know if Brian is Sonnyboy...?

[Via Bear]

Dem Gillum Threatens Florida Gun Owners as GOP Increasingly Betrays Them

You wouldn’t tolerate a cheating spouse, would you? Why would you take it from a politician? Maybe we should ask Republican “#gunsense champion” Anitere Flores, who seems to have experience with both kinds of betrayals. [More]
If there is a midterm "blue wave" wipeout, it will be because faithless "Republicans" have disincentivized their base.

Then Stop Enabling Invasion

'No nos vamos a pelear con Trump': López Obrador [“We are not going to fight with Trump”: Lopez Obrador] Excelsior, September 22, 2018 [More]
Spock's reply seems appropriate.

I Sense Something. A Presence I've Not Felt Since...

Would More Gun Control Lead to More Crime? Criminologist Gary Kleck debated Paul Helmke, the former president and CEO of the Brady Center. [More]
Glad to see Paul has completely recovered from his close encounter with one of "those people."

Our Moral Superiors

Asia Argento: Anthony Bourdain and I both cheated on each other [More]
Hollywood "Liberals"...

It's Not Like Anyone's Life Could Be Destroyed or Anything

New accuser told classmates she wasn’t sure Kavanaugh exposed himself [More]
Gee, Ronan Farrow-- why should we believe any claims you make about anyone

We're the Only Ones Unworkable Enough

Dallas PD Fires Cop Who Killed Man after Entering Wrong Apartment [More]
First she didn't make it home at the end of her shift and now this.

[Via Michael G]

The Silence of the Shams

Republicans Have A Simple Choice: Vote To Confirm Kavanaugh Or Get Slaughtered In November [More]
Those trying to shape a court that will sanction citizen disarmament have some slaughter of their own in mind.

[Via Mack H]

My Facebook Memories

Looks like the Zuckerbergians not only missed this, now they want me to celebrate it.

Can There Be No Peace Between Our Peoples?

What do you think? [More]

Interesting-- if you're at a restaurant with your wife and lunatics decide to "chase" you out, management and staff can do nothing to protect you if the mob gets even uglier.