Monday, October 15, 2018

A Matter of No Consequence

Alaska’s Other RINO Senator Vows to Fight Any Censure of Lisa Murkowski [More]
So Dan Sullivan AND Lisa Murkowski are both swamp things?

How could we have known?

ABC News Gun ‘Report’ Parrots Deceptive Statistics Just in Time for Midterms

As long as they brought up highest rates, does anyone see an attempt to correlate what they are in Democrat as opposed to Republican strongholds? After all, the most dangerous cities in America are Bloomberg cities. [More]
Gosh, it's almost like there's an agenda here or something...

Once More unto the Breach

Third time's the charm, Hillary. [More]
Brought to you by the guy who's "changed [his]mind about immigration" without acknowledging what that will result in.

[Via Dave Licht]

Death Panels

Health Systems Interventions to Prevent Firearm Injuries and Death: A Workshop [More]
Just in time for pre-mid term headlines and talking points!

I'm going to forward this to DRGO and see if this is something they can influence.

[Via Larry H]

Standard Party Practice

Democrat Candidates Told to Lie About Party’s Support for Sanctuary Cities and Open Borders [More]
And, of course, the genius Vulcan Chessmasters of Fairfax aren't going to lift a finger to warn gun owners as to why that's relevant.  God forbid they let it affect a candidate's grade.

Single issue, you know.

[Via Michael G]

Old Yeller

"I yelled at my husband last night. Not pick-up-your-socks yell. Not how-could-you-ignore-that-red-light yell. This was real yelling. This was 30 minutes of from-the-gut yelling. Triggered by a small, thoughtless, dismissive, annoyed, patronizing comment. Really small. A micro-wave that triggered a hurricane. I blew. Hard and fast." [More]
Yep. Sounds like hydrophobia.

[Via Michael G]

Judging Amy

Doug, I would love for you to think critically about the language you use when speaking about people with felony convictions. Labels like “felon” reduce an individual to violations they’ve been convicted of rather than their humanity, and we’re all more than our worst act. [More]
Thanks, cupcake.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Penetrating Enough

“For decades, the Kansas City Police Department (KCKPD) permitted Detective Roger Golubski to terrorize an entire community — by using his badge to extort sexual favors from poor black women and by coercing and manipulating those women into providing fabricated evidence to close his cases,” the lawsuit said. [More]
Hey, just because a man was "deemed wrongly convicted" of double homicide doesn't mean there's anything else to his claims...

[Via bondmen]

A Non-Apologetic Apology

She's just sorry there are career-affecting pushbacks. [More]

I stand by my earlier assessment.

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Getting Loopier

Gore: Jet Stream 'Getting Loopier and Wavier,' So 'We Have a Global Emergency' [More]
Doesn't this perverted old fraud have a masseuse to sexually assault or something?

[Via Roger J]


'We Are Not Civil': Vandals Smash Windows, Spray Paint Doors of NYC GOP Office [More]
Just like Hillary called for.

Here's hoping hotter heads prevail before the midterms. Here's hoping the aftermath makes 'em even hotter.

And yes, I know, and no, I did not endorse such acts and said so at the time.

[Via Jess]

Über Alles

I'd feel better about this if they had a name, took a photo, had a license plate number, or if someone had the presence of mind to start recording the exchange on their phone.

While I can think of all kinds of things I would have liked to do, most of them would introduce personal liability into the mix. The best solution is to just not have anything to do with anti-gun Uber in the first place.

Do you?

A #MeToo Dilemma

BUSTED: New footage disproves white woman’s claim that a black child ‘sexually assaulted’ her [More]
Hey, wait a minute, "progressive" Raw Story... what happened to #IBelieveTheWomen ?

A Security Risk

Hillary Clinton loses security clearance after server scandal [More]
I understand she initiated it because "Republicans."

I'd love to see what kind of passes she was given to obtain one in the first damn place.

Never Interfere with Your Enemy when He is Making a Mistake

Hillary and Holder hurting Democrats with their amazing and disgusting comments [More]

A 'Progressive' Government

Portland mayor stands by decision to allow Antifa to block traffic, hassle motorists [More]
Oh, they're doing more than that. They vindicate Michael Strickland more every day.

Why would anyone expect a political piece of crap who violates the Bill of Rights to give a second thought to the Preamble?

There's a Constitutional remedy for the insurrection he's encouraging and enabling. No wonder this domestic enemy is against it.

Taking the Cake

Now, the state is issuing new charges against Phillips for refusing to create a cake celebrating a “gender transition,” ignoring evidence that Phillips accepts all customers while refusing to create messages that violate his religious beliefs. [More]
I'm thinking since race is one of the "protected" classifications, why couldn't someone sue a "progressive" baker for refusing, say, this...?

Game, Set and Match

Cassidy concluded, “But in the future, if somebody makes an allegation against you, and there’s no proof for it, you will be OK. Thank you.” [More]
Give the man credit: Alinsky knew what he was talking about when it came to ridicule.

Stupid b****made such an easy target of herself for it she went into Twitter and Facebook hiding.

Friends with Benefits

Well, yeah...

Speaking of Not Caring

Dem. Senate Candidate Sinema in 2003: ‘I Don’t Care’ if People Join Taliban [More]
I, on the other hand, don't care if the Taliban gives Sinema the full Sharia treatment.

Arizona gun owners: What are YOU doing to spread the truth about this contender?

The Road to Hell

One person was heard declaring: ‘You’re free, man!’ [More]
So Opposite Day "progressives" aid and abet real rapists. Yet merely level an unsubtantiated allegation against a less-protected class...

[Via Michael G]

Truth in Advertising

Constitution Party candidate attacks Mitt Romney in television ad, calls him a 'fraud' [More]

[Via Felix B]

Challenger Disaster

That would be what we call a situation rich in target opportunities...

And so much for "conservative Fox News"...

[Via Jess]

It's All in How You Word the Headline

Right-wing march in London turns violent, 1 arrested [More]
From which side?

There's a reason I ask.

Great Job is Right

Stupid f*** points gun at friend's head at range. The safety officer is on him in an instant and both morons are evicted and banned for life. [More]

I'd love to know who this fool is -- he deserves to be shamed at every opportunity. And yes, the friend shares in the blame. The selfie pointing toward the partition should have been enough to warrant intervening.

Normalizing the Unspeakable

Roll out the millstones.

Understand the time is fast approaching when opposing sentiments will be deemed"hate speech," and those voicing them will be socially and economically ostracized.

[Via WRSA]

We're the Only Ones Buying Back Enough

Mayor Frank G. Jackson and Chief of Police Calvin D. Williams announce that the 2018 Gun Buy Back will be held on Saturday October 20, 2018 beginning at 9:00 am at the Third District Headquarters, 4501 Chester Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. [More]
It doesn't surprise me that dumb f***s lying about what it means to buy something back would ignore what even Eric Holder's Justice Department admitted:

The real purpose is so Calvin can ingratiate himself with vote-whoring Action Jackson and get them both media mentions.

Never mind that in the name of "gun safety" (and trying to hide the fact that they're absolutely incompetent at solving the problems they purport to address, not to mention hide the fact that those problems can be traced directly to "progressive" undermining of a truth that would destroy them if widely accepted), these opportunistic bastards are actually endangering the public in inevitable Opposite Day fashion:

What kind of self-serving political opportunists would tempt people of unknown training -- who may not have the first idea of Cooper's Rules -- to even pick up a gun, let alone try to clear it and transport it? For some reason the words "knew or should have known" come to mind.

I think I'll ask.

ArcelorMittal, Dave’s Supermarkets, True North and Target certainly fill the role of rope-selling "capitalists," don't they?

Hey, at least we're not Detroit.

Four Red in O-hi-o

Four arrested at Kent State University gun-toting event - None of the men are Kent State students, two are from out of state [More]
Funny-- "You don't even go here" was an angry charge some screamed at the freedom defenders. I told you they didn't need the cops because of the #MarchForOurLiberty advocates.  That $65,000 is on the commie agitators.

With Her?

"… who was an adult," Hillary said.  [More]
So are a lot of women in the #MeToo movement,especially those who say they were victimized by her pal Harvey.

And not one word about Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Leslie Millwee or Paula Jones, who was further denied her right to a fair hearing when Bill lied under oath.  Great job reporting there, "CBS News."

Hillary led the charge on deflecting that at the time by getting a critical mass to believe the impeachment was "about sex" instead of "about perjury" and "about obstructionof justice," and about denying a woman her fair day in court. When it served her purpose, she even "popularized" a new term for multiple women coming forward.

Anyone who chooses to dismiss this and still support Hillary is either suffering a delusional break from reality and/or they're evil. This twisted hag would let her perverted partner victimize a million of their daughters if it meant more power for her. And it appears her followers would defend that with more deflection.

Trial Balloon

Kamala Harris has booked her first 2020 ticket to Iowa. The freshman senator will travel for the first time this year to the first-in-the-nation caucus state on Oct. 22-23, as she prepares for a potential presidential run. [More]
Don't expect swamp creatures on either side of the aisle to burst this particular balloon.

[Via Dave Licht]

A Disqualified Vendor

Guy with re-enacting business supports Trump on social media. Anti-Trump people inside and outside of school districts launch boycott of his business. [More]
Make sure you peruse his lawsuit.

Expect to see more "official" acts of retaliation.

[Via Michael G]


San Francisco to vote on taxing rich businesses for homeless [More]
Do it!

Hey, somebody's gotta pay to pick up the poop in the "Sanctuary City," especially since self-disposal units were outlawed.


It Depends Upon what the Meaning of the Word 'Unity" Is

Longmont Mayor Brian Bagley planned on reading an edited version of a "Firearms Awareness and Safety Day" proclamation submitted by Longmont resident Jerry Britton, but Bagley later scrapped the reading in the interest of "unity" among council members. Harper said that the council read a proclamation by anti-gun violence group Moms Demand Action earlier in the year, so he feels that his organization is being held to an unfair double standard. [More]
The sooner we get it through our heads that our function is to serve the interests of our "rulers," the happier they'll be.