Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Bloomberg ‘Reporter’s’ Affinity for Citizen Disarmament Seems Personal

Chances are her father having been an underworld killer with multiple hits under his belt had an influence. [More]
Unfortunately, the “bright spots” in the darkness that counted most were only coming from one source.

Well There's a Shocker

The blue wave lapped at the shores of Texas this year — and it was powered by Latino voters. [More]
You don't say.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

In Essence?

There was nobody more essential to carrying out the promises that Trump made to voters than Jeff Sessions ... And Jeff Sessions has spent a lifetime documenting how unchecked, mass, low-skilled immigration destroys the social fabric of this country. [More]
So how did hanging Trump out to dry help?

UPDATE (of relevance and per Mack H):

What can Brown do for you?

The optics are right. What about the principles?

She knows what's right on unchecked cultural terraforming but defers to past wrong decisions? Should "most libertarian" fill me with confidence on that?

At this point I'm just asking.

There's One in Every Class

What I Learned About Gun Owners By Becoming One Myself [More]
Apparently not very much if you think "You can’t change anybody’s behavior by threatening them with violence" and " I don’t believe that anybody’s life is more valuable than my own. So I don’t give myself the option of even going near that gun as a way of communication."

[Via Bear]

Meanwhile, Everybody's Frothing at the Mouth Over Jim Acosta

We, the undersigned, ask that you contribute today to this pro bono GoFundMe effort to help five time Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson finance her landmark lawsuit against the Department of Justice for the spying on her computers after she reported honestly but negatively about the federal government and the past presidential administration. [More]
What does what happened to her and the need for individuals to do this tell us about the state of "journalism" as practiced by the DSM?

[Via Felix B]

There's a Lesson in Here Somewhere...

Government-subsidised plug-in cars may never have been charged [More]
So people don't appreciate what's just given to them?


[Via Steve T

See for Yourself

Author Gary Kleck debated former Brady Center CEO Paul Helmke about gun laws and self defense at a Soho Forum in New York City. Topics included background checks, printing 3D guns, arming school officials, and large capacity magazine clip bans. [Watch]
I'd mentioned it earlier.

Some things just aren't up for debate as far as I'm concerned. John Parker didn't offer to discuss things.

History Repeats Itself

By the law of 1935, not only Jews, but also all political opponents of the Nazi regime, as well as Gypsies and the homeless, were treated as "untrustworthy." [More]
"Untrustworthy"? Like anyone we can make allegations against..?

[Via Felix B]

'Progressivism' in Action

Men burnt alive by mob after false WhatsApp messages accuse them of child kidnap [More]
What? Mobs leaping to illusions and denying due process can result in terrible things happening to reputations and a whole lot more?

What we have to do is clear -- or I should say, not do.

[Via Steve T

Trust Buster

*Shocked* – Having Won NY Senate Reelection, Kirsten Gillibrand No Longer Ruling Out Running For President [More]
That is shocking.

[Via Michael G]

Sister Act

Federal Judge Amy Totenberg stopped the certification of Georgia's election results, effectively taking over as secretary of state of Georgia. She's an Obama appointee and her sister is Nina Totenberg, the NPR reporter who tried to derail Justice Clarence Thomas's confirmation. [More]
It is a big club. But no, you're still not in it.

[Via Michael G]

Lies of Omission?

You Didn’t Hear About This Mob Attack in Minnesota [More]
She's right. What's on the "news" are unrelated "altercations."

And that makes fair the question "Why?"

[Via Wynn A

Last Ditch Effort

If you're a Maricopa County early voter, if you vote by mail and either mailed in your ballot or dropped it off, you can make sure it was tallied. [More]

[Via Tristan M]

We're the Only Ones Negrophobic* Enough

Witnesses say Roberson was wearing his uniform, including a hat emblazoned with the word "security," and was holding a firearm he was licensed to carry ... "Everybody was screaming out 'Security!' " Harris told WGN. "And they still did their job, and saw a black man with a gun, and basically killed him." [More]

So why is it black "leaders" overwhelmingly demand a monopoly of violence, where the police they fear are the "only ones" with guns?

*And yeah, it's a real word.

[Via a ton of you]

I Remember Every Detail. The Germans Wore Gray...

Merkel calls for the creation of a 'real, true' European army in rebuke to Trump after US President called Macron's earlier proposal 'insulting' [More]
What's a monopoly of violence without an enforcement mechanism?

Why did all those Americans die in WWs I and II again...?

And how do foreign entanglements "secure the Blesings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?


Those children are growing up more slowly. By the age of 18, they are less likely to have a driver's licence, to work in a paying job, to go out on dates, to drink alcohol or to go out without their parents compared to teens in previous generations. [More]
But they're more than qualified to "vote for ourlives."