Monday, November 26, 2018

Irreconcilable Differences

As a result, the gap between the liberal and conservative Constitutions became a gulf, to the extent that today we are two countries—or we are fast on the road to becoming two countries—each constituted differently. [More]
Welcome to the party, pal.

[Via Mack H]

Recruiting Turncoats

Democrats are quietly targeting a handful of Republican senators from states rocked by mass shootings about passing legislation that would at long last close the so-called gun show loophole, according to a person involved in the efforts. [More]
Did someone just ask where we were on reciprocity?

Good one!

[Via Roger J]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Devastating' Is

Dershowitz added that he believes the report, although it will have a strong political impact, is unlikely to result in criminal charges. [More]
So no "high crimes and misdemeanors" but people who want to destroy him will say more nasty things about him?

Another New York Corruptocrat

Dem wanting social media scrutiny for gun-license applicants has violent, tax-delinquent past: reports 
Fox News still denies access to links from Blogger, so if you want to read this you'll need to copy/paste this:

The bottom line: State Senator Kevin Parker is a corrupt punk relying on an incompetent consituency.

[Via Roger J]

True Regardless

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the carrier of the plague. You have unbarred the gates of Rome to him." 
Whether Cicero said it and when is up for debate. That does not alter the truth of the observation.

[Via Wynn A

Behind the Mask

Dems will nominate a progressive in 2020 ... the progressive we nominate should also be capable of getting votes from moderates and even republicans. [More]
Well yeah. That's why they're called "useful idiots."

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Crushing the Competition Enough

Man Arrested at Gun Buyback Event for Putting a Sign on His Jeep that Read: "I Buy Guns" [More]
We know the hapless gun owner's name. Why don't we know the names of the  thugs who harassed him with a threat of up-to-lethal force if he did not submit?

[Via Jess]

‘Ballad of LaVoy Finicum’ Offers Tribute and Support for Slain Advocate’s Family

The song “was written the night Finicum was murdered by federal agents in January 2016,” Page’s email reveals. “It stands as a testament to LaVoy's life, and will be featured in ‘Dead Man Talking,’ an upcoming documentary series about him produced by the Center for Self Governance. Jordan has committed 50% of the proceeds from the sales of this song to the Finicum family to support them and their legal battles toward justice for LaVoy.” [More]
Jordan Page is back with another great song, premiering today. 

The Suspense is Killing Us

Judges who issue ERPOs aren’t “suspending” their victims’ gun  rights and constitutionally mandated due process and property protections. They’re ordering police to violate those rights and ignore those protections. There’s a difference. [More]
Additional thoughts relevant to an earlier post...

[Via Michael J]


Lucrative Law Enforcement Will Become Lawless [More]
I'd say we passed that milepost a long time ago.

And speaking of Will, a stopped clock comes to mind.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones to Code Enough

Alabama police admit killing wrong man after mall shooting [More]
Thank goodness the Code of Conduct doesn't apply to "Only Ones"!

[Via Jess]

Thank G_d HE was Protected

Sen. Schumer showed up for his daughter’s big day wearing a green yarmulke and flanked by security guards as the NYPD closed down the street for his arrival. [More]
Why the need if Big Apple "commonsense gun safety laws" work?

[Via Jess]

A Boom Economy

America's Gun Business Is $28B. The Gun Violence Business Is Bigger. [More]
That's because "progressive" edicts enable and make it inevitable.

[Via Roger J]

Automatic Used in Hate Crime

The suspect in the case, identified as Mohammed Mohammed, was arrested on charges of assault with a deadly weapon. [More]
This whole story is just ripe with multiple opportunities for relevant comments.

[Via Dave Licht]

Busy as a Beaver

“Just gave Sarah Huckabee Sanders a very dirty look at Disney World,” the White Chicks alum explained. Busy added that it “doesn’t seem fair” that Sarah enjoys her life and her vacation this weekend while other families “suffer” from her supposed lies. [More]
So whiteface good, blackface bad?  Unless you're Ted Danson?

And government-enforced "fair" outcomes? How very "progressive."

Speaking of families, do Busy's kids know they were choices, and that as a sexually active child (how very Hollywood) she decided the fruit of her actions had to pay for her choices?  And was the Pope clued in to what he was absolving her of?

I'd also like to hear more of this contemporaneous "rape" she didn't tell anybody about until many years later, and made great hay over in the Kavanaugh hearings. Yeah, nothing screams "NO!" like unbuckling an adolescent's belt, grabbing his schlong and laying back and opening up.

It's fair to wonder if she also gave the guy she cheated on her husband with dirty looks.

How many useful idiot One Percenters grok that if what they're enabling comes to pass, their protests of solidarity will take a back seat in the tumbrel?

Setting the Rebar Too High?

A mother who scaled the U.S.-Mexico border fence near the San Ysidro Port of Entry Friday night fell and was impaled by pieces of rebar, Border Patrol said Saturday. The 26-year-old Guatemalan woman was with her two children, ages 3 and 5, when she crossed illegally, said Border Patrol Agent Tekae Michael. She told agents she was not part of the massive migrant caravan camped out in Tijuana, Michael said. [More]
And they believe her why?

The important thing is everybody's in, tens of thousands of dollars earned by and taken from Americans are being spent on this one woman and the children she put at risk, they'll now be here for God knows how long, probably forever, and the personal injury/malpractice lawyers are no doubt licking their chops.

Now watch we'll find she's pregnant with a "birthright citizen."

The Bad Seed Loophole

If the ERPO was served on the child in this case, the dad would then have to choose between proving to law enforcement where the guns are so they know they’re not in the house, or having the child live elsewhere. [More]
And of course predominantly fatherless households, in which the majority of the violent reside, won't have any "legal" guns for "authorities" to know about anyway. So this is just another way of extorting those who care about their kids -- who have been accused but not convicted of anything -- of surrendering their arms.

It will never be enough because the goal is total control.

Unclear on the Concept

South Dakotans may soon have permission to carry handguns without a permit [More]
Don't let the door hit you in your "conservative credentials," Daugaard.

But He Seemed So Nice

Man arrested on suspicion of killing woman after being released from prison [More]
There oughtta be a law!

We Are the Borg. You Will be Assimilated. Resistance is Futile.

Merkel: EU States Must Prepare to Hand National Sovereignty over to Brussels [More]
Or else.

Spoken like a true East German.

Why else do you think ol' Eurorummy Jean-Claude is so up on that monopoly of violence?

We're the Only Ones Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places Enough

Federal agent faces trial in Houston after romantic involvement with terror suspect [More]
Wasn't it Opposite Day "progressive feminist" Hillary who insisted on a tendency of women to defer to the dominance of the deplorable males in their lives on political matters?

We're Number 64!

The U.S. is well below the world average in terms of the number of mass public shootings, and the global increase over time has been much bigger than for the United States. [More]
So that's when the antis pull out the "developed nations" lie.

[Via bondmen]

The Latest Honduran Rock Star

The 31-year-old, whom authorities didn’t name, had climbed a tree to try to avoid capture, then lit the tree afire and began to throw rocks at the agents as well as a helicopter called in to help track him ... The man was eventually arrested, and agents said he told them he was part of the migrant caravan that had been in the news. They said he had previous arrests in the U.S. and had been deported back in June. [More]
But per Yahoo "News" (interesting name), those feeling entitled to demand entry are "boisterous." We're "menacing."

Meanwhile, the extortionists are playing coy.

We're the Only Ones Misleading Enough

Two St. Louis County officers who 'misled' investigators in fatal Berkeley car chase are fired [More]
That means they lied to investigators. Which means it's the department characterization that's misleading.

Ask Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby what happened to them.

Firing them ought to just be the first step.

Then ask Democrat Bob if he'd extend the same "no criminal charges" courtesy on the fatal car crash to just anybody.

[Via bondmen]

Thinking Outside the Box

Women's March, what were you thinking with Linda Sarsour, anyway?[More]
Who says useful idiots think?

Nothing Happened. That's the Problem.

What happened? Why did Republican-controlled Congress fail to fulfill one of President Trump’s signature campaign promises? [More]

Anybody see a wall?

Why are national reciprocity and hearing protection dying on the vine? I might ask how many gun owners put continuous heat on their representatives and senators. How many gave incentive to the worthy few with campaign support? Hell, a more cynical me might ask how many don't even know who their representatives or senators are, or how many disparage voting as the useless windmill tilting of "cucks," followed by an anonymous "Molon Labe!" display of keyboard commitment and valor.

I could also point to the GOP turncoats who still won. What incentive does that give them or the party to change? Or to those that lost because they doused any remaining fire in the bellies of a critical mass of constituents...

The Senate is the swamp. They won't make any substantive changes in the balance of power unless there's a credible "or else" attached to a demand. And the House is filled with the shell-shocked, many falling for the manipulative and ubiquitous lie that the elections were a rejection of "Trumpism," and that their continued survival depends on sounding and acting more like Democrats.

A more fundamental question comes to mind: What are these "permits" to be reciprocated of which everyone speaks? Anybody think that won't come back to bite them as Democrats take over more and more, "thanks" to the greatest threat facing gun owners that most don't even acknowledge, let alone do anything about except deny with non sequiturs or dismiss with the phony "single issue" argument?

Even without that, we're already on track for more due-process denying "red flag laws," a "bump stock" ban and more.  One more "gun-free zone" shooting with an "AR-15" after the Democrats take over the House and guess what's next.

[Via Dave Licht]

Is Paris Burning?

Oui. [More]

Why the surpise? They did elect a national socialist. The economy going down la toilette was inevitable.