Wednesday, December 05, 2018

A Good First Step

Bump stock ban a good start [More]
Right. Nothing has come before. And now that they've tasted the blood offering, the jackals are emboldened to circle in closer for more.

What a surprise they'd use this lying tactic. Not:
They’ll propose further restrictions under the bald-faced pretense that it’s "a good first step." They won’t tell you that there are already over 20,000 gun laws on the books at the federal, state and municipal level that are consistently ignored by all but the law-abiding.
"A good first step…" the clueless segment of our victim pool populace will drone back at the proposal of law number 20,001.
"One helluva good first step– keep ‘em coming!" agree illegally armed criminal predators, emboldened with each new law that renders their prey increasingly vulnerable…

Due Consideration

OK, I considered it.

Speaking of infringements, I understand the bump stock ban letter is out. Anybody got a copy?

Gimme Three Steps

Three laws in particular combined to stack the deck against Republicans. First came the Motor Voter law. This meant that as soon as any California resident acquired or renewed his driver’s license or state ID, he would be registered to vote automatically. Second, the state legislature authorized counties automatically to send absentee ballots to voters, even if they had not requested those ballots. Third, the rules governing ballot custody were changed so that anyone could turn in absentee ballots, not just the actual voter. [More]
Can you imagine them doing something similar to enable gun ownership?

[Via Mack H]

Blood in the Water

But with Ryan leaving Congress and Democrats winning control of the House, Thompson now plans to introduce a bill that will go further than any of those earlier proposals: It will require a background check for every gun sale or transfer, regardless of who’s doing the selling or transferring.  [More]
And perennial gundouche Peter King will be reprising his role as enemy inside the gates.

I wonder how many NY gun owners continually vote to return him to power, and how many of those belong to NRA or its state affiliate.

A House Divided

The drum being beaten throughout the media is that for Republicans to win they’ll need to abandon their core constituencies and adopt the Democrat platform – on immigration, on guns, on redistribution of wealth, on traditional values, on you name it. [More]
The way things are going, you don't want to see what a unified house would look like...

Guns Giveaway

The latest gun contests, courtesy of The Weapon Blog... [More]

We're the Only Ones Giving Up the Ghost Enough

Undercover ATF agents bust alleged 'ghost gun' ring dealing in AK-47s, homemade silencers ... The feds also say undercover agents bought guns and crystal methamphetamine from Luna multiple times from Nov. 20, 2017 through mid-June. [More]
What were they waiting for them to do? Walk 'em to Mexico?

[Via cydl]

Cementing the Deal

Suspects use concrete truck in smash-and-grab at Lakewood gun store [More]
Dang, and to think Colorado has all those "commonsense gun safety laws," too...

As an aside, when younger feral son Uday was little, he called them "mintmaxers."

[Via cydl]

The Grinch Who Stole 'Christmas Story'

5 reasons why 'A Christmas Story' is actually a terrible Christmas movie [More]
Oh, bull.

It figures a "progressive" would prefer kids be exposed to "Bad Santa."

[Via Mack H]

The Show Must Go On?

YAF Wins Landmark Free Speech Lawsuit, UC Berkeley To Pay $70,000 And Rescind Unconstitutional Policies [More]
They'll just swarm such events with threatening disruptors like the totalitarians did at Kent State.

[Via Michael G]


Denmark Plans to Isolate Unwanted Migrants on a Small Island [More]
Now there's a foreign idea for cultural change I could live with.

[Via Michael G]

Somebody'd Better Tell Shannon and Gabby

“This was a big guy. If she hadn’t had a weapon there’s no telling what would have happened,” Clark said. [More]
So he didn't take it away from her and use it against her?

[Via Thaddeus F]

We're the Only Ones Exempt Enough

According to Michael Harriot at The Root, police killed more Americans in 2017 (1,129) than military combat, terrorism, airplane crashes, mass shootings, and Chicago gang violence combined. Furthermore, of those 1,129 slain, most (718) were suspects in nonviolent offenses, stopped for traffic violations, or were found innocent of any crime whatsoever. The recent case of Jemel Roberson in suburban Chicago is one more reason to remove law enforcement from Swalwell’s exempt list. [More]
But...but...but then they wouldn't be "Only Ones," and that's the whole point...

[Via CDT]

That's What Happens when You have No Standards

Fate of The Weekly Standard is uncertain, editor tells staff [More]
Gee, that's too bad.

Kristol meth destroys everything it touches.

[Via Mack H]

Skanks for the Memories

School shooting PR consultant apologizes after calling critics 'crazies' and reporter 'skanky' [More]
So what would this skank have been capable of doing?

And yeah, interesting name.

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Watching Your Six Enough

An Alabama gun owner shot by police who mistook him for an active shooter had his back turned when police opened fire, an attorney for the man's family said Monday. [More]
Hey, did they make it home at the end of their shift? Then what's all this whining about?

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Sorry Enough

“To the victims of sexual assault and their families … we sincerely apologize,” he said... [More]
And we'll investigate ourselves right away.

[Via bondmen]

Orc Lives Matter

Science Fiction writer claims the Lord Of The Rings series is 'racist' because it discriminates against orcs [More]
Hey, he's the one who compared them to "immigrants." That alone ought to be enough to eradicate any publicity boost this stunt has given his career and get him widely condemned and shunned as a racist.

We're the Only Ones Victim-Blaming Enough

This was a surreal moment: @SeattlePD officer came up and said I was "inciting conflict" and potential violence just by being there. If my physical presence in a public space makes someone else want to become violent, the problem is not with me. [More]
Where does this guy think he is, America?

Lt. Brooks, eh?

[Via Dan]

We're the Only Ones Incendiary Enough

Pro-Tip: Do not, DO NOT, *D*O* *N*O*T* Shoot Dragon's Breath magnesium incendiary rounds indoors. [Watch]
Leave that to the pros.

[Via ESN]