Thursday, January 03, 2019


On January 1, I became a criminal in my hometown of Boulder [More]
He had me up to:
I respect the police, greatly. The cops I know hate the idea of enforcing this intolerance. I ask them when they come to arrest me and confiscate my guns, they give me enough warning, so my kids aren’t around when they do it.
"I was only following orders" does not absolve oath-breakers. Any "Only One" that would do that deserves no respect.

[Via bondmen]


  1. A slave who will soon have no guns is submitting to slaves who have guns.
    "You have to do what you have to do, and I respect that, but please use vaseline because I have hemorrhoids."

    Their owners must be laughing.

  2. Those who would come to arrest you will not care, even a little bit, whether or not your family is present

  3. Does that mean he is willing to shoot and kill them when they come for his guns or that he does not want his children to see him get on his knees and surrender???

  4. You are exactly right Chas, he is one of those who champion the right to be a free and independent man until it comes to his doorstep, then he will pee himself as he looks into the faces of the usurpers, and will silently be led away sniveling that “someone” didn’t do something. Because of “muh children” or some such cowardly nonsense.

  5. John Caldera is a boulder native who is head of the local Independence Institute an organization that reports to support Independence but they have at almost nothing to say about the impending Socialist Workers Party takeover of Colorado and their impending Draconian gun control laws that could get John Caldera shot dead. Unfortunately everyone in Colorado has pushed out and no one dares to see anything less they be singled out. What they don't realize is that if you are a Firearms owner and user you've already been singled out.

  6. Some will, and when enough blood has been shed, perhaps then the police will become human beings rather than stormtroopers.

  7. Pretty dumb, outing himself. Best course of action in life is KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. They'd find out about mine when I unload on them for coming to take em.

  8. Mr. Codrea's point ("he had me right up to...)" would have more validity if our opponents did not have a long and illustrious history of totalitarianism. The Left pushes for common sense laws and the right caves in to be seen as bipartisan. At the point in our history when even main stream media has started discussing another civil war as an actual concern-regardless that their opinion pieces are at the root of the divide, only a fool would give up his guns though it seems foolish to announce that you are doing so. But since I am not familiar with the mans publicized stance on the subject it may be that there is no backing down and the statement is a formality. We are not bound to obey laws which are unjust and unconstitutional. I do hope his situation does not ever come to the point where he needs the warning he asked for, but I absolutely agree with his stand. There is no middle ground in this. One is either for freedom or one is for authoritarianism. From history its usually those that crave power understand you can't get it and keep it if those they seek to oppress own the means to resist. It's not my original idea, but if every jew-if every fourth jew in Nazi Germany had killed one SS man or Gestapo agent before being hauled off to feed an oven, the modern history of Europe would be much different. The same could come to pass here.

  9. My concern here is that people seem to forget that when that JBT grabs your Wife/Daughter/Son/SO while they are at school/work/ shopping then holds a gun up to their head you will probably do whatever they want you to.

  10. Do you know what it's like to fall in the mud and get kicked... in the head... with an iron boot? Of course you don't, no one does. It never happens. Sorry, Ted, that's a dumb question... skip that.

  11. Well, I'm waiting for David Kopel to weigh in on this "will not comply" stance.

    It's one thing to be a slave. Voluntary servitude is another thing.

  12. Perhaps one of more of John's neighbors will weigh-in if/when they see the stack at his door. "When they came for..."


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