Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Toning Down the Old Toxic Masculinity

‘Cut the Wire,’ a Toy Bomb Game, Is Discontinued After Criticism [More]
They should have told the Marxist bluenoses where to shove the bomb. I don't know any boy that wouldn't think this is cool -- at least until the brainwashers got hold of him or doped him out on Ritalin if he didn't get with the program.

And I believe I owe this man an apology. It's his former colleagues that ought to be ashamed of themselves.

When feral sons Uday and Qusay were cubs, we'd occasionally go to those restaurants that give you those coaster thingies that buzz and light up when your table is ready. We'd pass the time playing it was a bomb and passing it around after holding it a minute to see who it "exploded" on.

We still play it on rare occasions when we find ourselves in one of those joints.

[Via Mack H]


  1. David,

    Just to prove my point, which is why I sent you this in the first place, do you remember Time Bomb? I hope yes, then you can see how this toy could not survive the toxic climate we live in now.

    Classic TV commercial:

    * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZzZO-OZQCk

  2. I just bought one of the last 3 on Amazon, you know, just because. I think the grandsons and I will have much fun with it.


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