Wednesday, February 13, 2019

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Controversial' Is

Leadoff panelist John Lott, a controversial partisan in the debate over gun-violence, said that gun-free zones and similar rules could invite attacks. [More]
Well, we can see where this is going.

And how dare anyone suggest those who prevent defense choices share any culpability for outcomes. I imagine Kail Smith would hemorrhage if you handed her one of these:

You can watch the proceedings here. Not that the grabbers are amenable to having their prejudices challenged with facts...

[Via Kim Stolfer


  1. Is Daniel Webster a "controversial partisan" -- who's asking?

  2. 'Kraus cast doubt on some of Lott's data and towards the meeting's end said, "I saw nothing here that changed my mind whatsoever." He left the chamber shortly after.'

    So then, not actually interested in a "conversation about guns" after all. Didn't think so.


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