Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Stopping the Signal

News that you're not allowed to discuss - Article 11, which allows news sites to decide who can link to their stories and charge for permission to do so, has also been worsened. The final text clarifies that any link that contains more than "single words or very short extracts" from a news story must be licensed, with no exceptions for noncommercial users, nonprofit projects, or even personal websites with ads or other income sources, no matter how small. [More]
Jeez, and here I figured I was doing them a favor driving eyeballs to their sites. 

I'm thinking they really haven't thought through the economic and political consequences, but what's evident is they're counting on control and on coerced funding to fuel the machine. I'm thinking like with all centralized planning, catastrophic failure will not be long off.

I'm thinking the demand for non-"authorized" information will incentivize innovative supplies.

And I'm also thinking f*** Europe. The place is on self-charted course to become the new caliphate anyway.

1 comment:

  1. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has a great analysis of EU Copyright today. I think you nailed it when saying catastrophic failure will not be long off. No different than the Brexit can of worms; a great idea but an epic failure in the details and execution of. Good stuff, as always, David!!


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