Friday, February 15, 2019

The Undertakers of Freedom

Will diversity be the death of the Democrats? [More]
More. Harder. Faster.

Horrify the normals.

And there's this for the Cato "legal immigration" crowd:
"In presidential elections, Democrats win 70 percent of Hispanics, Jews and Asian-Americans, and 90 percent of African-Americans."

Not that the prags have the courage and the intellectual honesty to address it.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Thomas Sowell is on record as saying that there is no proof the "diversity" in any way makes our lives better. In many instances, it does not. Consider the following small list of examples:

    1) Rawanda. Hutus slaughtered their "diverse" Tutsi population.
    2) Yugoslavia. Find it if you can.
    3) Serbia-Croatia, anyone? Bosnia?
    4) Palestinians/Israelis/Rest of the Arab world?
    5) Suni-Shia relationships?

    In many, many instances, diversity kills.


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