Thursday, March 07, 2019

Proof of Delivery

I'm cynical -- about appealing to a president who has shown his proclivities for actions that don't match rhetoric and about "Only Ones" leading this effort and proclaiming "I will not comply."

But what I'm most cynical of is that most gun owners will take a few seconds, literally, to do this and to spread the word to others.

50,000 100,000 electronic "signatures" just ain't that high of a bar to hurdle. If they substantially exceed that goal, it would become "newsworthy," and more and more difficult to ignore as numbers grew.

Conversely, failing to even come close to the goal will signal something else. How credible would that make the "Molon Labe!" commitment seem from people who will spend more time coming up with excuses not to do this than it would take just to do it?

With the minimal "effort" being asked of us here, the goal ought to be reached by the end of the day. By the end of the month, the number ought to be in the millions.

[Via Bear]


  1. I was #6114.

  2. Several years ago, under Obama, I broke my principles and begrudgingly signed some anti-gun petition. Then, for several hours, I monitored how the amount of signatures on that page steadily went down. No, this is not a typo. It started with some number and then that number was going down and down and down every time I refreshed that page every 10 minutes or so. There is a proverb in my native Russian language which says: do not sit down at a table to play cards against the people you know to be con-men.

  3. I'm sorry, but I find the whole concept of passing a law, or a resolution, or asking an ephemeral presidential administration to direct a bunch of departmental bureaucrats to do thus and so to protect the integrity of the mighty US Constitution ridiculous. It's like asking the kids to keep the grown-ups safe. Plus, Trump couldn't even tell his current DOJ that they had to show up for work on time and make it stick. This is a monumental waste of time. Even if everything here worked perfectly, it would evaporate six years from now.


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